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Zoos Should Be Abolished Starter

Essay by   •  June 6, 2011  •  Essay  •  473 Words (2 Pages)  •  3,191 Views

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A zoologist will take care of you. You will be provided with food and never have to hunt or gather. You will not die at the hands of gruesome and bloody poachers. You are safe. This is reality for the tens of millions of animals in captivity today. They can no longer return to their original environment as they would face immanent death. Wether that death be from Human Poachers or illegal hunting by humans is yet to be decided, but one thing is for certain. Most animals cannot return to there natural habitat. At the moment there are thousands of animals on the brink of extinction, zoo's keep, and will always keep these diminishing species from the edge of extinction. Zoo's are also a point of education for people. When people visit zoo's they see animals which they would otherwise be unable to. More importantly these people see these animals that would otherwise be extinct without action. This encourages people to support causes that protect animals in their natural environment. Most of the current zoos in the world are a good place for the animals within them.

For an animals breed in captivity returning to the wild is an unspeakable thought. It is impossible because the animals reared in zoos do not fully learn survival skills which they would depend on. Returning captive animals to the environment would also exposed them to poachers, animal traffickers and land developers. The poachers would kill the animals for their skins and other parts, dumping whatever they do not use on the roadside. The traffickers would capture the animals, feed them nothing until they become delirious, drug them, beat them, and sell them of to cruel and un just circuses or other animals tricksters. Those animals would end up living a worse life than they originally had. And finally, land developers would destroy the natural habitat forcing the animals elsewhere and into a certain death trap, all with the excuse of establishing a small town. For example, 90 acres of rainforest is lost every minute, where the rainforest used to cover 14% of the earths surface it now only covers 6%, with experts reckoning that in less than 40 years the entire mighty rainforest will be destroyed. Every day we lose 137 plants animals and insects species to the destruction of this environment alone. The only way to preserve these species is by the development of zoos into a greater state. National animal welfare parks. These parks would be operational in many countries, and allow for only certain permitted individuals to approach the animals in a larger more natural environment. No possible poachers, hunters or traffickers would be entitled to enter the park, leaving only the members of the public and tourists to enter the premise and encounter the animals in a natural safe, monitored environment.



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