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Essay by   •  January 30, 2013  •  Research Paper  •  1,616 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,275 Views

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The required text for the course is Multinational Business Finance, 12th Edition, by Eiteman, Stonehill and Moffit, 2010.

A subscription or daily access to The Wall Street Journal. You can subscribe at

I will use the course's Learn 9 website to distribute materials, make announcements, post answer keys, etc. It is your responsibility to become familiar with the website and check it frequently. You can contact IRT (Information Resources &Technology) with any questions at 215-895-2020.


The prerequisite for the course is FIN 301. It is the student's responsibility to be certain that the prerequisite has been successfully completed. If at any time during the semester it is determined that a student has not completed the prerequisites, the student can be administratively dropped from the course without credit or tuition refund.


The overall objective of this course is to survey multinational financial management and international financial markets. More specific objectives are as follows.

1. To investigate the causes of the growth of the multinational firm, especially in the second half of the 20th century.

2. To realize that floating exchange rates may increase risks but also create opportunities for firms and investors, given a proper understanding of exchange risk management.

3. To investigate the different instruments, institutions and markets which, taken as a whole, comprise the international financial markets.

4. To realize that the trend toward global integration of money and capital markets presents opportunities for firms and investors to diversify their portfolios of real and financial assets.

5. To investigate the financial decision making of the multinational enterprise, both with respect to short term and long term decisions.

6. To recognize the influence of the environment (ie., economic, social and cultural aspects) on the financial management of the multinational enterprise.


The grades for this course will be based on WSJ Quizzes, 5 min. quizzes, unit tests, a case project, and attendance and contributions in class and online (threaded discussions). Make every effort to be present at the tests. There are NO MAKE-UP TESTS. In the unlikely event that a unit test is missed, a student may, with a university excused absence, use 2 tests to total the 45% of the grade. There is no possibility to make-up the 5 min. quizzes or the threaded discussions. Please note that no exceptions will made for students needing to miss class or quizzes due to airline reservations.

Any questions regarding your grade on a quiz must be brought to my attention within one week after the quiz has been returned.

The table below shows the weighting of the overall grade accounted for by the different assignments. I will grade all exams on a scale from 0 to 100. Your composite score will be converted into a letter grade (see below).

Assignment Points

5 min. Quizzes (top 5 out of 6) (3 points each) 15

WSJ Quizzes (3) (3 points each) 9

Unit Tests (3) (15 points each) 45

Threaded Discussions(3) (3 points each) 9

Group Case Project 15

Peer Evaluation of Group Project 7

Total 100

Regular attendance is crucial. If you cannot attend class for any reason, you are responsible for finding out from a classmate what you missed. You must attend at least 80% of the classes to pass this course.

The reading assignments and web lectures must be completed before class on the date designated in the schedule (see below).

No extra credit will be given.

Grades will be assigned as follows:

A = 93 or above C+ = 77-79

A- = 90-92 C = 73-76

B+ = 87-89 C- = 70-72

B = 83-86 D+ = 67-69

B- = 80-82 D = 60-66

F = below 60


During the term you will be quizzed on articles selected form the Wall Street Journal for "WSJ Quizzes". For each quiz you will be assigned an article and a set of discussion questions.

- Quizzes are due by 11pm on their due date (see course schedule below) and will become available at least 48 hours prior to their due date.

- Answers to the discussion questions are to be submitted in Learn 9.

- Answers are to be in complete sentences and in your own words.

- Grammar and spelling errors will reduce your grade.


Each student will participate in a group case project. A written exposition of the case as well as a formal presentation will be performed by each group, one time during the term. The cases are presented at the end of each chapter.

The class



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