Soda Ban
Essay by kawaiitripleace • April 27, 2013 • Essay • 370 Words (2 Pages) • 1,306 Views
Mayor Bloomberg has recently formed a ban against large sized sugary drinks. Any sugary drink that is larger than 16 ounces are soon to be banned at New York City restaurants, cafeterias, and snack trucks. As a result, people had many different reactions. Some people agreed with Bloomberg and said that the soda ban was for the best. However, there are many people who disagree and say that the soda ban limits free choice.
America is facing a terrible crisis due to our eating habits. About twenty percent of the population are obese and nearly 300,000 people die each year due to complications associated with obesity. It is partially true that the soda ban could benefit many people by breaking their bad habits. If all goes well, it can even reduce obesity. Unfortunately, bad habits are really hard to cure especially if they are bad habits that developed early.
I think that the government should be involved with what we eat however it should not be to the extent where the government limits free choice. I am okay with the government making sure that the calories and nutritional information are listed on foods that we purchase. Actually, I am quite happy about that however they should not tell us what to eat and which food to avoid. We the people should have freedom to eat whatever we want to eat. The government has no place to limit us from eating what we want.
Soda itself isn't making people fat. It is the choices that people make that makes them fat. What the government should be doing is persuading people to make healthier choices instead of limiting food. The soda ban won't solve America's obesity problem. Eventually people will get fat and obese from eating something else. It was once said that if you are not motivated, no matter how much you try the results will stay the same.
Are you for the government, or against it? How involved should the government become in what we eat? I am for the government but at the same time, I am against it. I believe that the government should be involved however they should not tell us what to eat and what to avoid.