Rejoice the Soul of Thy Servant: For unto Thee, O Lord, Do I Lift up My Soul
Essay by GTree • November 4, 2013 • Essay • 670 Words (3 Pages) • 1,431 Views
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REVIVAL JULY 22-24, 2013
PSALM 86:4
We are about to explore the five major goals of corrections. The first goal that we will discuss is Retribution. Retribution is an act of vengeance or retaliation. Retribution is a way that society gets back at the criminal. The criminal accept punishment as a way to pay back to society the crime he has done. We are all familiar with the saying an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, yes retribution is an act of punishment for the wrong that was done.
However, Retribution has its advantages; it looks backward and analyzes the crime. Retribution can be positive because it involves the idea if innocent people should not be punished for something that they did not do, but the guilty one should be punished. The disadvantages are the offender is hated by society and it is morally accepted. If an attempt to murder or do harm is not carried out retribution is still cast upon the one that attempts.
Retribution is a justified aim of punishment. Retribution makes a person think long and hard about the actions because if a bad deed is done it has to be paid as such. Retribution was used in biblical times and it served as a weapon of protection for people. Retribution has been used as a form of punishment in some countries to the extent of castration and beheading.
Deterrence is hindrance or obstacles. Deterrence is a principle that is used to sentence a person that is guilty of a crime which ensures that the punishment is sufficient enough to deter the guilty person. The fundamentals of deterrence are to denounce unlawful conduct. Its purpose is to deter the offender from committing offences. There are examples of the effectiveness of deterrent sentencing. In 1919 the police department went on strike in Liverpool, and the chances of apprehension reduced the crime rate escalated sharply.
Deterrence can be cost consuming for the fact to educate offenders and to deter them from criminal activities can affect consumers. The average inmate consumes between thirty five and five thousand dollars to treatment for care and treatment to deter the minds from committing crimes again after their release. Remember over eighty five of the inmates in prison today will be released into society. If we don't use deterrence, we will corrupt our society even more.
Rehabilitation means to rebuild, reestablishment and to remake. From 1992 to 2007 incarceration grew from 505 to 756 per 100,000. For this reason a greater effort was placed on the use of programs such as the RNR which is a model to reduce offender recidivism by up to 35%. Persons in need