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Pursuit of God

Essay by   •  February 21, 2012  •  Essay  •  1,056 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,732 Views

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The Pursuit of God

This book is an amazing book because I feel it touches on many aspects of our Christian life. It can apply very easily to things that happened in the poetic books. It applies to our lives in a very realistic way which makes it such a great read, it is so applicable to our lives as Christians because it talks mainly about our relationship with God through Christ and what that entails.

Some would say that going to church every Sunday is the only way to grow closer to God. I don't agree with that. I believe that no matter where you are, if you have a close enough relationship with God you can talk to Him anytime and anywhere. Talking with God through prayer and reading the scripture are good ways to stay close with the Lord. And when we have that relation with Christ it is important that we go out and find people that have not had a relationship with Christ and bring them into the understanding that they have a purpose on this earth too. As the book talks about believers being constantly ministered to when they already feel that their teaching does not satisfy. I feel that it is way more important to seek people that need and want Christ in their life. It is impossible to force somebody to believe and have faith in something they don't want to, even if it is wrong or right.

This aspect of going out and finding people that don't know Christ and telling them the good news can very clearly be contrasted to the book of Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes is a book written by Solomon. His purposes for writing the book include; seeking to demolish confidence in man-based achievements and wisdom; he shows that all of man's goals or the "way that seems right to man" must of necessity lead to dissatisfaction and emptiness." This shows us that there is nothing eternal that we can do for ourselves in this world and it will all pass away. The most important thing for us as Christians to do is to help the non believers come to the understanding that Christ is Lord and that they truly have nothing unless they have him. Christ is all that matters and we must live to glorify him so that all will see that He is the only way.

Faith is a very strong word. It is believing in something without being able to see it. God works in many different ways in our lives. Sometimes it's hard to see how He is working in our lives, but Christians must have faith that He is with us every day. Faith is occupied with the object upon which it rests and pays no attention to itself at all. The book talks about a great example. "The man who has struggled to purify himself and has had nothing but repeated failures will experience real relief when he stops tinkering with his soul and looks to the perfect One." In the book of Job a very clear demonstration of faith is seen as Job is being tested in every way. Job is in a situation where he has no idea what is going



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