The God in My Father
Essay by Nicolas • June 6, 2011 • Essay • 416 Words (2 Pages) • 2,048 Views
I literally went through 2 Chicken noodle soup books and out of each book I picked a story. The 1st book I picked was "Happiness from within" Written by Diana McGill. At the top there is a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson who is an Author/Transcendentalist. Diana tells about being raised in a lower-classed Catholic family and how she went to church and her wealthy private catholic school and saw everyone with all these nice things. So eventually she got 2 jobs and began to buy what's "in", yet "that feeling of emptiness came over me again" [287]. I, too, catch myself trying to buy what's in style... but God does not see what's on the outside, he sees me. People dress up or buy things that they'll only wear once. But what does it matter? If you're "ugly" on the inside then the outside will get you only an inch and nothing more.
In chicken soup for the teen soul I read a story by Annie Xu, called 'The God in My Father". Annie speaks about how different she and her father were. He believes in God but she feels religion is the root of all evil. That she felt he loved god more than her; that she'd feel sad and then angry and how she had "focused on hating God because how much he meant to my Dad." She explains that in all honesty she was jealous of the peace of mind Christianity gave him. That he saw the best in people. How could loving God kill babies?! But it wasn't until her grandfather died that she truly understood. Her dad was feeling guilty because he broke Chinese Tradition and moved to the U.S and didn't take care of his elderly father. Yet he took refuge in God. "I Understand God in his mind. God gives him guidance and a place to seek advice He is almost like a friend who will never deceive him; my dad found peace and comfort from God."
I used to think religion was dumb. I thought that a truly loving God wouldn't allow us, "his beloved children' to suffer. I still struggle and I still doubt but I do understand that he simply lets nature take its course and dead babies are not his fault. He will not control people's actions he lets free will take its course. Now that I think about it I have times when I pray out of agony and soon felt a calming effect...