Hybrid Cars in Malaysia
Essay by Chelikenova • December 20, 2012 • Research Paper • 2,247 Words (9 Pages) • 1,767 Views
Any motorist observing of how the world market depends on hydrocarbons, has quite adequate and pertinent in the present state of affairs a question: whether «Is it possible to replace petrol with something more accessible and cheap, not to choose between fuel and trips?»
Yes, of course, and it is quite natural. However, on this problem reflect not only ordinary automobile owners, but also scientists and heads of autoconcerns worldwide: after all creation of a car which would allow to save considerably on fuel, would mean not only break in motor industry in general, but, in particular, would promise considerable profit to autoindustrialists.
The answer has been found soon enough - use of rather cheap electric energy, apparently, quite obviously, and the first electromobile put into mass production, will bury a car on internal combustion engines as a class. However, it hasn't occurred for a variety of causes: electromobiles were unreliable, expensive (in comparison with classical cars) and are inconvenient enough in operation - the set of minuses was moved by some pluses, let and there is enough powerful.
But scientists wouldn't be by itself if haven't overcome these difficulties. Solution is a "golden middle": if each of variants has strong and weaknesses why not to unite both types of cars in one, most effectively to use advantages of everyone? From the moment of occurrence of the given concept the history of hybrid cars also keeps count.
As you already, should be, have understood, the hybrid car is the car resulted in movements by two types of engines: an internal combustion engine (ICE) and the electric motor - depending on a situation. The first prototype of the hybrid car has been created at a XX-th century dawn in Porsche "stable", however, it and remained a prototype - at that point in time ICE was much more more preferably «hybrid engines».(http://gibrid-cars.ru/)
Therefore as class it is considered to be the present moment of "birth" of hybrid cars of 60th years of the last century when, in the conditions of the prices which have increased for oil, in the USA dense works on creation of "the hybrid engine» has begun. The most known hybrid cars created from now on, - it VW Taxi from Volkswagen, Toyota Prius, Audi Duo and Honda Insight. However, not all from them have got national love and a recognition. First of all this fact is connected with the general context and trend of automobile "fashion" of separately taken years: besides, that notorious system of scales on which pluses and minuses lie. It is quite natural that if it is more favourable to motorist to use a car with ICE - it will use a car with ICE, and hybrid cars and will remain unclaimed during this period that manufacturers wouldn't speak and what advertizing companies they wouldn't spend. However, during present time "hybrids" have started to gain popularity again.(http://auto.ironhorse.ru/gibridnye-elektromobili_964.htmlhttp://auto.ironhorse.ru/gibridnye-elektromobili_964.html)
According to James D. Halderman, Tony Martin, hybrid cars are considered not only as a means of transportation, as well as cars of the future. Indeed, they are safer for the environment of our planet. In addition, cars with a hybrid setup under the hood is much more economical than cars with internal combustion engines.
As a consequence, there is a serious and disturbing question many motorists: whether to change their usual routes on a hybrid car? And here there is a lot of controversy. Of course, hybrid cars have many advantages, but if they have any drawbacks? (http://www.biauto.ru/dost.html)
Advantages of cars with hybrid installation
1. Economical exploitation
Economical exploitation is the main advantage of hybrids. To reach it, it was necessary to search for balance, that is to counterbalance all technical indicators of the car, but thus to keep all useful parameters of the usual car: its capacity, speed, ability to fast dispersal, and set of other, rather important characteristics put in modern cars. Besides, ability to accumulate energy including not to waste in vain kinetic energy of movement during braking, and to charge storage batteries, besides the basic clear advantages, has introduced to motorists some collateral «small pleasures», for example, smaller deterioration of brake blocks.
As the economy has been reached:
- Decrease in volume and capacity of the engine;
- Engine work in an optimum and uniform mode, in ready smaller dependence on driving conditions;
- A full stop of work of the engine, when necessary;
- Movement possibility only on electric motors;
- Recuperative braking with a battery charging.
All this system to such degree is difficult that uneasy algorithms of work of the onboard computer became possible to the full only in modern conditions, with application enough. Even correct and effective (from the point of view of safety) braking copes the onboard computer.
2. Ecological cleanliness
Decrease in the expense of carbon fuel, has immediately affected ecological cleanliness. The full stop of work of engines in places of a congestion of cars on roads of cities, and first of all in stoppers, has the most paramount role. Application of storage batteries, is ready smaller capacity, than in electromobiles, has lowered a problem of recycling of the used accumulators. Development of hybrid technology in public transport, and for lorries, will even more improve ecological conditions of cities. (http://www.biofuelswatch.com/future-of-hybrid-cars/)
3. Good running characteristics
Now there is no necessity to establish the engine at the rate of peak loadings of operation. During the moment when sharp strengthening of traction loading is necessary, in work join simultaneously as electro - and the usual engine (and in some models and the additional electric motor). It allows to save on installation of less powerful internal combustion engine, working the basic time in a mode optimum for. Such uniform redistribution and capacity accumulation, with the subsequent fast use, allows to use hybrid installations in cars of a sports class and off-road cars. In spite of the fact that electric motors possess strong enough twisting moment in recalculation on weight and engine dimensions, in comparison with other engines, developers nevertheless in a number of models establish