Hd-Attitude, Motivation, Values
Essay by shantanubankar • December 20, 2012 • Essay • 1,421 Words (6 Pages) • 1,653 Views
When I used to stay in Nagpur, I never missed to sit with my Grandmother during noon and dawn time, she was such a plethora of knowledge that whatever she used to say was out of her experience. Once what happened I saw a person running on road and suddenly fell on road. I started laughing for that incident. My mother feeling disgusted about my reaction she went downstairs and gave a hand to that person and lifted that person and asked him whether he was alright or not? Then after a while of talk that person left. Then when my grand-mother came upstairs, then she asked me one question" Would you want someone to laugh one yourself, when you fall when you are running or walking on road", this question had laid an impression on my mind. And the same situation had happened once when I was walking around with my friends, some people on road met with an accident. And remembering my grand-mothers words, my friends and I rushed on the site and helped them out after admitting them in the hospital. If my grand-mother won't have had pointed out me on that day, it would not have resulted in changing my attitude hence in action. I really thank my grandmother for re-enforcing in me such a nature that won't ever pass by.
After the days of enjoyment of Foundation and Pre-foundation, the days of case studies had hit me so badly that it was quite not possible for me cope up this pressure. It happened with me that I didn't sleep for two days, and worked really hard for case studies. I shared this problem with my friend Hamid. Then Hamid shared his own story of case studies with me, that in first semester all his friends and he used to gather in canteen to complete the case study , he told me one very important thing that college doesn't want to see how much expertise you are in making case studies, and they also know that if one is given at-least a time of 2-3 days one can make case studies too good, then he explained me the meaning of being a manager and what they are supposed to do i.e. a manager is supposed to complete the work within a given time-frame, not perfect but to be at certain mark that it is quite representable and also no one should catch the faults in what one has prepared. So his words were ringing in my ears and I understood why college is giving so many case studies. And from that day I started completing any case study within given time-frame, and I can leave some time for studies, which have more weightage.
Once when I was in Nagpur, I was studying in my room. Suddenly I heard a woman scream on road. And on road I saw my uncle rushing with a girl in hand and taking her into our hospital. Then I saw some people who were drunk were hitting two boys who had hit the same girl, while driving their bike. Uncle came out of hospital while my aunty was examining that girl i.e. how much was she hurt. Uncle saw those drunk people hitting those boys, and then he tried them to disperse but those drunk were not able to understand to situation how much harm would they invite to themselves if this case is reported to police. Somehow uncle managed the situation called police on spot and dispersed the whole crowd. And when at night that person who was drunk came at our home, thanked uncle for controlling him when he was drunk. Here Uncle's personality played a big role i.e. his name and the nature he had during his adolescent days, he was the naughtiest person in our home always involved in brawls. I hope it was uncle experience made him realize what has actually shaped uncle's personality. This made me realize that to make one's personality realized by others always think in positive way.
Once when I got a chance to meet with my elder brothers friends, in Mumbai I saw that almost everyone rated high on their Mach number, they were more on "ends" side rather