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Mkgt 520 - Values and Attitudes

Essay by   •  January 31, 2017  •  Term Paper  •  654 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,153 Views

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Out of the 10 values that Schwartz have described there are two in which can be directly related to Bain & Co., Home Depot, and Best Buy; achievement and self- direction. Achievement is described as Personal success through demonstrating competence according to social standards (successful, capable, ambitious, influential) according to Schwartz theory; and self-direction is described as independent thought and action choosing, creating, exploring (creativity, freedom, independent, curious, choosing own goals). According to the reading Home Depot cut jobs in their cooperate offices instead of its hourly employees. The company also lowered sales and profit targets that hourly employees have to meet in order to receive bonuses.  Best Buy promoted self-direction by asking employees what they thought would be best to cut cost, and they did that by letting employees take a survey.  900 ideas were generated through the survey.

I would describe Steve Ellis’s affective, cognitive, and behavioral components of his attitude toward managing in a recessions are very smart, but if it is not done right it can be very harmful to the company. Running a business is almost like a roller coaster ride, it has it highs and it has it lows, however when a recession comes along most business professionals know if they can make through the tough part they can make back to the top. Mr. Ellis is aware of that, so he hires very talented individuals who have been laid off from their jobs and have a lot to offer to a company. The downside is when the recession is over those same employees may look for employment elsewhere if they are not being treat fairly as far as pay and advancement goes.

“When you know you can make a difference and you’re a part of a solution, it can change your mind completely” John Pershing stated that when talking about Best Buy. Best Buy is getting their employees involved by giving them the opportunity to voice their opinions on how the company can save money.  Also Home Depot is challenging their employees. Their bonuses are based on what and how much they sell. Money is a motivator to all; however when an employee knows a recession is going on and their employer is still willing to pay out bonuses it makes an employee feel cared about.

        Ajzen’s theory says that Attitude toward behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control helps determine intention which helps determine behavior. If managers know that how they react or treat someone behavior will eventually determine the employees behavior it will help them to know how to treat someone. If Sandy feels that her manger gives Billy lead way to do whatever the wants, but is always on her case about deadlines and gives her more work to do more than likely Sandy will become resistant and will not be willing to do her job. The saying “one bad apple ruins the whole bunch” is true when it comes to work. It is important for managers to address certain behavior accordingly.



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