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Gay Rights - Sexual Morality

Essay by   •  December 5, 2011  •  Essay  •  977 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,725 Views

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Sexual Morality

Gay marriage is one of our big controversial issues in society that many people go through today. Our society boosts its self on equability and equal opportunity for everyone. But, we have become practical in our thinking; we pride ourselves in so many things but we yet discriminate against gays and there right to be married. Many will argue that it is wrong, while others will say that it is good.

Richard D. Mohr agrees with gays being allowed to get married. Mohr is a professor of philosophy at the University of Illinois at urban champagne. He is such an intellectual author that he has accomplished many things. He has writings about pottery and art that are published in the Tile Heritage Foundation Flash Point, The Tabby: A chronicle of the Arts and Craft movements, and American Bungalow. He also created exhibitions at millikin University and at Grove Park Inn arts and crafts conference. He also writes social policy for magazines like the chronicle of higher education, reasons magazine and the Chicago tribune.

Doing all of these magnificent accomplishments his most important one is when he published his book in 1994 A More Perfect Union: Why straight America Must Stand Up For Gay Rights. It caused a great social issue in the U.S, making his book very popular and having the gays be heard. After that, he has continued to publish books about gays till this day. By him publishing this book, he was one of the voices of the many gays that fought for rights; he is the authors of gay justice.

Richard Mohr argues the right of marriage and how gays have as much right as any other heterosexual person to get married. He manly focuses on a questions like "why do people oppose is gay's intimacy and marriage so drastically?" Then he begins to tell you how the world works and how people are viewing the situation.

He says that people should know the difference between people getting married as experiencing the world and a viewing it in a cultural Ideal. When it is view in a cultural ideal automatically it goes against the gays because religious factors, but if it is seen as a way of experiencing life they have a win. Experiencing the love and intimacy one has for another no matter what the sex is. Marriage is what converts houses into homes and shows the love for one another.

He also argues the point that people choose to be gay. Almost everyone who doesn't know what being gay is thinks that it is an irrelevant choice of their own, like deciding what you going to eat or do on the weekend. When in reality it is not a choice, it is within the person and that's how they were born. You cannot be blamed for the way you were born just like you cannot blame anyone for the skin color you came out when you were born or the family you were born into.

There is another point that Mohr points out. He says that straight people are afraid of gays



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