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Faith Integration Paper

Essay by   •  May 14, 2012  •  Essay  •  1,312 Words (6 Pages)  •  2,095 Views

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After completing my project manager interview with my uncle Steve I have noticed many linkages from the bible and the book of Nehemiah. Project management is growing and will be a huge impact in the success of many businesses and how their projects finish in the future. I believe that project managers have a lot of motivation and leadership experience that allows them to be an impacting role within their company. It's important that every department within a company has a role but the defining role of a project manager seems so significantly important in providing success that they should be complimented much more.

Moving more into the book of Nehemiah you start to understand the meaning of what the bible provides and how it can provide people support as we enter the work field. By understanding this book of the bible, we know that work isn't everything but something. We as business people need to understand that prayer is important and we need to look to God before pushing into a project and without asking God what he wants we are without anything. This is something that played an extremely big part in my uncle's choices as a project manager. He is a very strong Christian, and it was extremely intriguing to talk and discuss with him how his faith has played such an important role as he has been a project manager. He discussed with me how he has continuously prayed over projects and the directions that they are heading, as well as continuously having an open relationship with God about relationships within the workforce.

In the beginning of Nehemiah, I have noticed that Nehemiah had taken patience into existence and allowed God to lay a path before he moved forward which can help project managers in their own careers as well. Relating this to Steve's project management position, when we talked aside from the interview we were discussing how important it is as a Christ follower to have God guide your path and allow Him to make decisions for you. Chapter 2 of Nehemiah really was significant to the project management position that I had interviewed. Chapter 2 starts off by saying,

"In the month of Nisan in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes, when wine was brought for him, I took the wine and gave it to the king. I had not been sad in his presence before, so the king asked me, "Why does your face look so sad when you are not ill? This can be nothing but sadness of heart."

I was very much afraid, but I said to the king, "May the king live forever! Why should my face not look sad when the city where my ancestors are buried lies in ruins, and its gates have been destroyed by fire? "

The king said to me, "What is it you want?"

Then I prayed to the God of heaven, and I answered the king, "If it pleases the king and if your servant has found favor in his sight, let him send me to the city in Judah where my ancestors are buried so that I can rebuild it."

Then the king, with the queen sitting beside him, asked me, "How long will your journey take, and when will you get back?" It pleased the king to send me; so I set a time."

The rest of the story goes on to talk about how putting your hands and faith in God we are able to be guided down the paths of strength and security. Chapter 2 ends by saying, "The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding, but as for you, you have no share in Jerusalem or any claim or historic right to it."

In conclusion, this project has really impacted the way that I feel regarding how God can play such a significant role in project management and really being able to analyze Nehemiah



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