Exercise 10-2: Ojt
Essay by Stella • June 3, 2012 • Essay • 1,435 Words (6 Pages) • 1,938 Views
Exercise 10-2: OJT
Training is important to any company that is hiring new people, or needing to further develop the current employees that they have on staff. The biggest part of this can be done through orientation and training so that new hires are able to successfully perform their duties without much of a problem.
Day One Orientation / Training
Day one is a day to get the needed paper work for human resources. Such as the needed tax forms and paper work for the job, and this is also a good time to talk about the company's goals and what they would like to achieve. I think that talking to your new employees about these things will enable them to work towards the same goal that everyone else is for the company. This will let them know what they need to do in order to see the company move forward, and help secure themselves a job in the future. This could also be a time where you tour the facility with the new employees so that they have an idea where everything is once they start into their everyday routines. Employees will also be able to get a glimpse at the production environment in which they will be working. This will enable the trainer to point out certain areas or parts of the job that will be reviewed later in the training. This will enable the trainer to be able to reference certain areas of the production environment and provide examples to further enrich the training experience.
It is important to remember that orientation is not something that you just do once and you are finished with it. Orientation is an ongoing process. When a person is first hired the things that are reviewed in orientation are generally what the responsibilities of their job is, the working conditions of that job, and the pay they will be receiving to perform the duties of said job.
Day Two Orientation / Training
Day two I feel should be in a classroom setting. This could be a time that you are going over the policies and procedures of the company, and the duties that the new employee will be performing on a daily basis. I think that it is important that your employees know the polocies and procedures before anything. Having a good understanding of what has to be done by policy will only ensure that things are being done correctly. On the job training will help with the actual efficiency of being able to do the job, and the employee will be able to adapt the easiest way for them to complete the task while still being in line with the policies and procedures that are gone over on day one.
Having the accurate and thoroughly documented documentation of the policies and procedures will only ensure that the employees are getting the full benefit of what you are trying to convey to them. Without accurate documentation it would only cause confusion and problems with production when the new employees are in their roles full time. There is an accountability factor when it comes to these types of things. It is hard for a company to hold the trainer accountable for the employee not following policies and procedures accurately if they have provided them with the adequate tools to do their job.
I think that at the end of day two you need to provide some sort of testing so that you are able to score the understanding of what has been gone over with the new employees. This will give you an idea if people are still having troubles in certain areas and this will enable you to review the material with them and re test should that be needed. This will ensure that you do not have someone going in to your production environment without the properly equipped knowledge to do the job. This type of information could also be passed on to the supervisor that is going to be over the individuals so that they will know what areas to watch so that they are able to provide guidance to further improvement of the new employees job.
Another good option would be to use the vestibule training. This procedure is when the company has mock tools and or equipment like they use in their actual production environment. A good example is