Ethics Argumentative Paper
Essay by Hawaii808 • June 1, 2016 • Research Paper • 910 Words (4 Pages) • 1,537 Views
Final Argumentative Paper
After nearly completing a course in Ethics, it is clear that there is a diverse set of opinions as to what is ethical. There is agreement that ethics is basically the study of what we should do in deciding what is right or wrong (Ethics, 2007). But personal opinion concerning right and wrong is influenced by many things such as rules, authority, parents, and religious beliefs. As a result, there is not a single definition as to how to act morally. In this paper, I shall explore the two ethical theories of Deontology and Virtue Ethics. This paper will examine briefly these two theories as, in my estimation, there are the most address how to act most properly. I will first offer the strengths of each theory and then address one objection to each theory. The first objection argues that moral agents should not base their ethical beliefs on rules or duty. The second objection argues that the dilemmas of the world requires more than having good character. After addressing each objection in turn I will conclude by discussing how the two theories can work in concert in order to guide the moral agent to act properly.
The deontology ethical system emphasizes on the obligation or duty to adhere to rules (Mosser, 2010). In order to make the right choices in life this system believes that one must follow rules. This is defiantly one of deontology strengths because in everything there is there are rules that we as people are obligated to follow. For example, during a game of soccer there are rules and regulations, and if no one follows the rules it would not be a fair game. Instead people would be cheating and behaving immorally just to gain a win.
The Golden Rules capture what deontology is all about “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (Mosser, 2010, 2.1.). It is very simple, treat people with the same respect that you would like to receive. A deontologist would feel that they would not want someone to harm them so therefore they would not harm others. I truly feel that this ethical system and theory is one of the best, because it is only right to treat others the way that you would like to be treated.
When it comes to universal ethical principles I feel that the deontology system explains it best. This system is very simple, follow rules and do what you are obligated to do. I do feel that it is necessary to have universal ethical principles. I feel that ethical principles provide a basic standard of conduct for people in general. For example, honestly, integrity, loyalty, fairness, respect for others, commitment, leadership, and accountability is a few examples of universal ethics that are necessary (Josephson, 2010).
Even though the deontology system has a simple straight to the point theory I feel that it would be nice if this system judged the consequences of the action when necessary? The theory seems a little contradicting, because this means