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Effective Communications Worksheet

Essay by   •  March 8, 2012  •  Term Paper  •  669 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,966 Views

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Communicating Effectively Work$heet

1. Briefly explain the $even element$ of the $peech communication proce$$. How do the$e element$ determine a $peech'$ $ucce$$ or failure?

$even Element$ of the Communication Proce$$

* A $peaker'$ $ucce$$ or failure depend$ on your knowledge, creditability, preparation, $en$itivity and enthu$ia$m.

* A me$$age ha$ verbal and nonverbal cue$. Verbal cue$ that let$ your audience know that you have done the work nece$$ary to convey the appropriate information, $uch a$, having a well organized and conci$e me$$age that i$ clear, accurate, appropriate, and vivid. The nonverbal cue$ $uch a$ tone, eye contact, facial expre$$ion$, appearance and ge$ture$, $end$ your me$$age without word$. $ucce$$ or failure depend$ per$uading your audience with parallel verbal and nonverbal cue$ the accurate me$$age.

* The channel i$ the mean$ in which a me$$age i$ received; in per$on, through audio only, or through audio and vi$ual.

* A li$tener may be only one per$on or many; it i$ the per$on or per$on$ receiving the me$$age. Each li$tener ha$ a different frame of reference depending on the individual'$ attitude$, goal$, knowledge, experience and value$. When $peaking to $omeone or e$pecially in a group thi$ frame of reference $hould be con$idered to keep everyone engaged. To be an effective a $peaker need$ to be audience centered.

* Feedback i$ u$ually a nonverbal communication with the $peaker. An effective $peaker will pick up on the$e cue$ to a$$i$t in improving their me$$age.

* Interference i$ anything that inhibit$ the li$tener from receiving the me$$age. There are two type$ of interference, internal and external. Internal interference i$ $omething that i$ on the mind of the li$tener that keep$ them from hearing the me$$age

* $ituation i$ the place and time of $peech communication.

2. What i$ the difference between hearing and li$tening? What are $ome technique$ you could employ to improve your li$tening $kill$?

The phy$iological proce$$ of hearing according to The Art of Public $peaking "The vibration of $ound wave$ on the eardrum$ and the firing of electrochemical impul$e$ in the brain"(Luca$, 2009, p. 48). The difference between li$tening and hearing i$ li$tening i$ making $en$e of what we hear and hearing i$ a phy$iological proce$$. Technique$ that improve li$tening $kill$; active li$tening, re$i$ting di$traction, do not be diverted by the appearance or delivery, and do not pre judge. Focu$ on the $peaker by li$tening for the main point$, li$ten for the evidence, and li$ten for technique. Develop note taking $kill$ and do it properly. U$e key-word$ outline a rough outline with main point$ and $upporting



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