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Different in Structure Writing

Essay by   •  October 2, 2011  •  Essay  •  370 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,765 Views

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Paragraph one

The two paragraphs that I chose are paragraph one and two were different in their writing structure. Paragraph one, was pertaining to people who do not have wills. Paragraph two, was discussion the deal of President Barack Obama addressing the credit card issues. The most effective paragraph out of the two paragraphs is number two, credit card issues. This paragraph provided sentence variety, which gave good rhythm flow of both short and long sentences. Paragraph one had so many short sentences that took away the rhythm flow and had no kind of variety sentence. There also was repetition in the idea or argument in the first two sentences, which made the writing sound uninteresting. Some of the choice of word made it sound as if a child was writing the sentences, and the short sentences could have been combined to eliminate repetition when reading paragraph one, it was frustrating and bored with repetition no variety and no rhythm flow. Paragraph two, was well structured with very good sentence variety and rhythm.

Paragraph two

The feedback that I received from WritePoint was very helpful. There were different suggestions that were provided. Recognize basic grammar and punctuation errors, as well as common word usage problem in my writing. I agree with most of the suggestions, but feel that some of the suggestions were not needed. I was impressed with the many suggestions that WritePoint provided for me, to help make my writing more interesting and effectively.

Paragraph three

The WritePoint was a good helpful tool to use. It has a great feature of the system that inserts comments in a blue text at locations within your writing were grammar is problematic. The comments suggest ways on how to fix the errors in your writing. WritePoint is savable and can take up to, two hours to response to your paper depending on the time of the week the paper was submitted to the system. I will certainly be using WritePoint in the future. It ensures that I am using my grammar and choice of words correctly. I also plan on using WritePoint in the future for essays or papers to minimize the errors in my sentence construction and making sure the changes are actually correct.



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