Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder
Essay by kwako • February 18, 2013 • Essay • 504 Words (3 Pages) • 1,472 Views
Key Questions Lesson 2 Beauty Is In the Eye of the Beholder - Or Is It?
The product is the fat buster 2013 DVD, and the target audience is the hopelessly obese, or those simply looking for some positive reinforcement/entertainment in their lives. These people may generally never be able to master, the art of self-discipline to control their eating, or are uneducated about nutrition. They may never be able to exercise correctly in order to effectively get to and maintain a healthy weight. The positive features of the product are that it not only provides education about diet and exercise, but promotes economically viable opportunities for larger persons to lose weight without spending any money. Its key promotional selling point is that the price of food is going up, and that by eating less, you are getting healthier, and richer, at the same time. Everyone wants to be a little healthier and a little (a lot) richer, so this product applies to many people. The negative features of the product are that the consumer must apply discipline and work, in order to benefit, and the amount of time needed to benefit from the program, to obtain results, is very long term. The selling pitch is that 5$ saved on food per day is 155$ a month in savings, so the DVD promotes a financial gain of 1860$ a year. It promotes itself as an investment for only 12$ for the DVD, plus another 10$ a month, for an active and updated subscription, since there is no reason to overeat and spend extra money on the extra food. This product will satisfy the needs of economic and emotional security, which can also create fear in the target audience, the product seeks to exploit.
The products identity is called the "fat buster 2013." The aura of being just another product will seem sarcastically insulting to the customer. This is planned in a predictive way, so that many people looking to mock the product, or those that are curious, and think of it as a joke, will be surprised to see, that it is indeed, a very clever and advanced program. The visual appeal will be the subliminal promotion of the fitness models, which will claim their results, were from the program's basic outline. Three techniques I will use to entice the audience are image advertising, scientific claims, and a lot of use of repetition. The use of repetition especially wears down the potential customer into asking themselves "well it's only a 13$ DVD, so why don't I just give this a try, it's not like its breaking my wallet? This type of sales tactic definitely increases sales.
The text and possible visuals for my add are of fitness models and customer testimonials. The possible visuals are a demonstration of classic "before and after" weight gain, and weight loss. I will also include images