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Advertising Liquor on Television Is Irresponsible

Essay by   •  November 12, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  1,168 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,438 Views

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What is the biggest problem that causes people in the United States to get into an accident? Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol is one of the biggest reasons why people get into accidents. These are the two reasons why most people in the U.S. get into accidents and the result is often either killing themselves or killing someone else. Drinking is not a good habit, but most teenagers like it because they think it makes them cool, but they don't know what is going to happen to them after that. Most teenagers who go to parties like to drink and have fun, but after the party they sit behind the wheel and drive the car, and then they get into an accident and kill themselves or someone else who is sitting in the car or they hit a pedestrian that is walking across the street. Although companies want to advertise liquor on TV or radio, the government should cut these advertisements because people can get into car accidents and it can cause them to have health problems and more chances of getting into fights.

The rate of the accidents that are caused by drinking and driving is increasing in the United States and a lot of young teenagers get killed because of that. The age limit of drinking is 21 and over; however, the principal cause of death for those between the ages of 15 and 24 are alcohol- related car crashes. It all starts from going to parties or getting together with friends. The question is where do the teenagers get interested in alcohol? The answer is from watching the commercials on television. Advertising liquor on television and the radio is partly responsible for teenagers drinking because advertising tells them drinking will make them look cool and sometimes they think that it also will make them to look older and more mature.

The percentage of drunk driving in America is increasing every year. It all starts from watching the ads on TV and getting interested in drinking alcohol. "In the United States, 12.8% of all fatal traffic crashes were alcohol-related, and 40% of that number involved teens driving while drinking alcohol". The number one place where teenagers start to drink is at parties. When they go to parties, they want to have fun and dance all night. Some teenagers think that if they drink, they are going to be cool and they can get more attention from friends, but they don't know what can happen to them after drinking. For example, if someone goes to a party and drinkers start making fun of them, they make that person want to drink so they can look cool and have more fun. All this drinking leads to a bad thing, and after all they crash cars or kill themselves or someone else.

The second reason why they should cut down the ads in TV and radio is because drinking can cause people to have health problems. One example is alcohol poisoning which is defined as drinking a large amount of alcohol in a short amount of time leading to a rise in the blood alcohol level. "Alcohol poisoning can kill a person. It either is caused by the central nervous system and respiratory depression or the inhalation of vomit or fluid into the lungs." (Donatelle). Drinking too much can cause he brain to shrink and the damage is done to the left side of the brain, which is responsible for written and spoken language, logic, and mathematical skills.



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