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A Personalised Induction Will Always Be More Effective

Essay by   •  March 17, 2013  •  Research Paper  •  1,944 Words (8 Pages)  •  2,218 Views

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"A personalised induction will always be more effective". Discuss.

A personalised induction is very effective as it is individual to the client. It is tailored to their individual needs taking into account their cultural backgrounds and upbringings and these factors provide individuals with different outlooks, values and perspectives on life. Clients are all individual and different in many ways and some may have the same problem, but as individuals we all respond differently.

At the first meeting clients can be nervous, uncomfortable and vulnerable, will they be judged or will they disclose too much. Milton H. Erickson legacies was that "people must participate in their therapy". - they must be willing to understand and then utilise what is necessary for them to accomplish their goals and achieve success. An initial interview would be conducted by the hypnotist in which they would gain in depth knowledge regarding the client's likes and dislikes, their lifestyle, how they interact with the world and the problem(s) they wish to solve. This initial meeting also creates confidence and trust between the hypnotist and the client and relaxes the client as much as possible. The Hypnotist can then personalise a personal induction with the correct modality the client is suited to and also to deliver the personalised induction in either a permissive or authoritarian manner, whichever is suited to the client. As the individual becomes more confident in the use of hypnosis and trust in the hypnotist the personal induction can be adapted. The hypnotist must be very flexible in creating a screed by changing the modalities and adapting the manner in which he delivers the script according to how the client is feeling at that time.

When communicating with other people we do so using 7% of our communication, tone and volume 38% and our body language 55%. Generally in order to practice hypnosis the client will have their eyes closed and this is why it is very important that the hypnotist is careful in using positive words and suggestions in the correct tone and manner and the modality best suited to the client.

Modalities are used to communicate with the outside world using our five senses: visual for sight, kinaesthetic for touch, auditory for hearing, olfactory for smell and gustative for taste. The modalities are representations of the individual's physiology, language, behaviour, eye movement and possibly their preferences in leisure and work. A person will find one of the senses easier to imagine and in so doing will feel the most comfortable. However, for certain people they can be comfortable with using more than one modality at the same time. There is a sixth modality which is referred to as digital, this refers more to people who think mostly in language and symbols. In order to create an effective treatment the therapist must create an induction script based on the client's modalities. Sentences with a positive tone, such as "you are more relaxed than you ever felt before" instead of a negative tone, such as "the noise outside does not disturb you. It does not disturb you in any way", should never be used as it could produce the reverse effect. In order to have the best chance of success we need to do our best to achieve the most beneficial start as possible. To be able to understand the client and to address them in the perfect way, the hypnotist will have to look at the modality, which is the "language of the minds".

As Alder (1994) states, 'we all have a preference for which sense we use, for the way we think', with most people primarily defining their world in a visual, auditory or kinaesthetic way. Hypnotherapists using this method conduct a preliminary interview to define their clients modality.

Carl Roger believed that by making sure 3 core conditions are present then helpful change will take place regardless of any other changes taking place. He believed nothing else is necessary. Empathy (seeing their world), UPR non judgemental, congruence (genuineness from the client's point of view).


Kineaesthic - represents our feelings system both internally and externally. Clients who prefer this approach tune into other people's emotions very quickly before they even speak to them. They are very tactile and love to touch things and to take part in physical activity. The words they normally use and respond to are touch, smooth, gentle, move, warm, cool, solid, hold etc and phrases such as; "I know how you feel; not a clever move; heated argument; put your finger on it; hold on a moment.

Visual - represents our sight imaginary or real and fantasy. Clients who prefer this approach like to visualise things in their mind and they often daydream and they also like things to look pleasing to the eye. We can all visualise, but not everyone has this as their primary modality. Visual people normally use words such as, look, imagine, watch, bright, colour references, insight, perspective and phrases such as; "I see what you mean; The future looks bright, Looks good to me; Get it into perspective; it just goes to show.

Auditory - represents hearing. Clients who prefer this modality love listening internally to sounds that include music, speech and imagining other sounds. They love to talk on the phone and having music playing. They are sensitive to obtrusive noise which is not of their making. The words they would usually use are: say, remark, resonate, harmony, discuss and phrases such as: loud and clear; that sounds good;on the same wavelength; listen to your body; I hear what you are saying.

Olfactory - represents smell. This is normally a secondary modality, but it does have a strong influence. The words that are normally used are: nose, fragrant and rotten and phrases such as: a nose for business; that behaviour stinks; smelling



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