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Essay by   •  April 23, 2012  •  Essay  •  741 Words (3 Pages)  •  3,409 Views

Essay Preview: Worldview

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According to Dr. Lew Weider and Dr. Ben Gutierrez, the authors of Consider, a worldview is a person's philosophy of life, a framework a person brings to decision-making and a filter or lens which a person uses to interpret life and the world around them (pg. 51). Our individual worldview guides our many decisions that we make on a daily basis. Our worldviews are influenced by our parents, the world around us, and the things we learn on our own.

The Question of Origin is believed to be brought about from God. God created the heavens and earth according to Genesis 1:1. The Bible gives us the narrative of how the heavens and the earth were created. But the worldviews of how this event occurs varies from religion to religion so in order to understand the earth's creation one must determine how they view the bible. And as Genesis 1:3 describes how God brought about the light and then separated the light and the dark. God's creations are not accepted by every religion but some religions have their own accounts of the beginning of the world. The Question of Identity relates to humans and animals, which is more important. Humans were put here on earth by God and as he created the heavens he also placed animals here for the humans to care for in Genesis 2:15. The Bible also gives us the background of the creation of the animals and the process of how they received their names in Genesis 2:19. Some religions also believe that animals are not food but God's creation to care for as we care for ourselves. According to Dr. Weider and Dr. Gutierrez, "Christians should be leading the charge as environmentalists and animal rights activists while at the same time appropriately reaping the benefits of earth for its natural resources and animals for food" (pg. 58). The Question of Meaning/Purpose of some believer feels that our purpose is to know and love God. According to the book Consider by Dr. Weider and Dr. Gutierrez, "Christianity is about a relationship with God and not simply following the tenants of religion" (pg. 60). John 17:3 gives us a purpose of mankind by stating that we should know the only true God. Knowing the true God gives us insight into our purpose. Other religions have their definition of their purpose like eliminating suffering, knowing God, and even to understand life. John 17:7 also lets the readers of His word understand where the knowledge of God comes and given to his followers. The purpose gives us our knowledge of God and His word. The Question of Morality is believed to give us our ability to determine right and wrong. When Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree, which was wrong and in turn condemned everyone to be born into a life of sin in Genesis 3. They were influenced by the serpent to indulge from the Tree of Knowledge. Their ability to tell right from wrong was influenced from an external source. The Question of Destiny consist of what will happen to me after I have lived my



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