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Worldview Assignment

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Worldview Assignment


Worldview- is the belief and the thoughts of how each individual view the world. It's each individual opinion and how things in the world are viewed. A person's worldview can show reality about different things that goes on in the world. Me reading the bible is like brushing my teeth twice a day.


1. The Question of Origin:

Origin is something that is natural and created by god. For example, the bible says "in the beginning god created the heavens and earth" (Gensis1:1). This is self explanatory that god is the creator of this earth and all things are real and natural. The Psalmist, David declares that god is his creator (psalms 139:13-16) god is seen and known as the first cause.

2. The Question of Identity:

Meaning who has more value a human being or an animal? A human is more intelligent than an animal but not greater in value, an animal should not be put in the same category as humans, we all serve our own purpose on this each and we each should be doing what we were put her to do. "Human babies are not born self aware, there for they are not persons"; therefore,"the life of a newborn is less value than the life of an animal." (Practical Ethics, p 122-123). "In the image of GOD" (genesis 2:15) meaning man and animal is GOD creation and its mankind duty to take care of his animals. We did not come from animals but we do share god's nature.

3. The Question of Meaning/Purpose:

Why do we as people exist? Our purpose is to leave a positive impact on the ones around us and we should all live every moment of our lives like there is no tomorrow. Christian's reason on earth is know and serve our father god. You should love and server your god with all your heart and soul (Deuteronomy 11:13). Love your neighbor as yourself (Leviticus 19:18) meaning you should love and treat everyone the same no matter what. We all come from the same god.

4. The Question of Morality:

Knowing right from wrong, we all know about karma what goes around will come back around eventually in due time. We know god is perfect (Matthew 5: 48) and make no mistakes and us as humans should strive on a daily basis to meet as standards as much as we can. The word o god teaches us to be obedient not only to god but to our elders (Romans 12:1). We shorten our days on earth when we disobey god and our parents.

5. The Question of Destiny:

Is it really life after death? I believe it is a heaven or hell and where you go is your own choice that you make while on this earth Christians view good works as a result of their salvation and



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