Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior Case
Essay by niko12345 • September 26, 2015 • Article Review • 1,194 Words (5 Pages) • 1,545 Views
Why Chinese Mothers Are superior
The text is about a Chinese mother Amy Chua, who tells us the difference between a Western mother and a Chinese mother. By this the will comment and analize the article written by Amy Chua. Afterwards i will have the focus on how the writer engages the reader and the possibility of consequences of adopting Amy Chaus vlaues and methods of upbringning in my essay.
Amy is mother to Sophia and Lousia. She uses Chinese methods to make her daughters good at everything. She pushes them to their limit, and always wants them to be good at anything, because she belieave that they can do it. There are things that Sophia and Louisa are not allwoed to, such as: Attend a sleepover, being in a school play, watch TV or play computer games and any grade less than an A. Those things and more, are they not allowed to do, even if they wants to.
For Amy being Strict to their children isn't to tell them "go to yor room" or let their children practice their instrument for 30 minutes every day. No, no, this isn't being strict at all for Amy. Being strict is to let their children play their instrument not for 30 minutes, but in hours. The first hour is just the good part, then the other hours begins to get very tough. Amy dosent belive that stressing children is not good for them, or pushing them to something they give up on, or telling them its okay to get an B in a test. For Chinese mothers its not the same as Western mothers, istead the vast majority of the chinese mothers saitd that they belie their children can be the best students, that academic achieveent reflects succesfull parentng and that is children did not excel at school then there was a problem, and the parents wasn't doing their job at all.
Chinese parents insists to make academic activities with their children, by contrast to western, their children are more likely to participate sport teams. Pushing children, showing them always that they have to be good in everything, not giving them the opportunity to do what they want, such as watch TV or play a single game on the computer, is tough and not a good parenting at all, which it can consider. Every parents in the world wants the best for their children, and mostly that they get a good education and takes their school serious. But not giving them the opportunity to thing or to do what they want, can make their psyche go wrong and makes them fell like they are not a human being but a slave to their parents.
Chinese mothers a more like open to their children than western. If their children is fat or to thin, they can say "Hey fat ass lose some weight" by contrast to western parents, they would say it in a good way, by talking about health and how bad it is to be fat. However it can be a good thing to talk more "beautifully" to their children, than to say it right in their face. It can broke them inside, and mak them fell even more badly about themselves. Is this a good adopting methods from the Chinese methods, or is it bad? However it can make a human stronger if they have grown up with those Chinese methods, because they know you have to work hard ti get what you want. By contrast to the bad side, it can also make you ´the oposite of being strong.