White Collar Crime
Essay by Woxman • January 25, 2012 • Essay • 924 Words (4 Pages) • 2,057 Views
Historical background and defining white-collar crime
Past focus of criminology is street crime: murder robbery rape auto theft theft domestic violence drug violations juvenile delinquency.
Who are these offenders- Lower social economic, minorities, 18-25
Edward Sutherland 1939
"crime in the upper or white collar class, composed of respectable or at least respected business and professional men (1940:3)" Very ambiguous.
Definitional quagmire
Occupational (1940s)
Organizational (1970s)
Pre Sutherland
1800s- robber barons and muckrakers-journalist of the time period investigating
Upton Sinclair's The Jungle
Cesare Beccaria
As corporations came into being there were increased reforms introduced to regulate them. Not impactful until Sutherland.
Criminology: Two Paradigms
1- Crime as a behavior - Social learning theory
2- Crime as a political label - labeling theory- someone says your bad your not but become it because of the label.
WCC is the study of rime as a behavior of individuals within an organization or state- and how or why they are not labeled as crimes
Criminologists vs. Prosecutors
Focus is not legal definitions
Do we always wait for laws to pass for behaviors to be deemed worth studying.
Edwin Sutherland
in 1924 Principles of criminology- theory of differential association
1939- President of American society of criminology- presidential address titled WCC
1949- Published white collar crime- republished 1961
A crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation
Examined how many times corporations violated and were charged with violating regulations.
Sutherland achieved 3 things
1- directed attention to the crimes of the powerful
2- provided a definition that led to a long and fruitful debated
3- served as a theoretical catalyst for theoretical perspectives for White Collar Crime
Two distinct divisions developed in WCC
THE BIG CHILL- no attention to WCC FROM 1949-1960S
Donald Cressey 1952- black market wartime rations being sold illegally
Gilbert Gies- some publishing on WCC
1960s- Social Change
Race Riots-Vietnam-Hippies- Women's rights
Ralph Nadar and general motors- "unsafe for any speed, put engine in the back of the car susceptible to skidding rolling over. Whistleblower."
1973- Watergate- Nixon breaks into democrat convention resigns.
Mother Jones Magazine- journalistic reporting about corporations
"Radical Criminology"
Quinney and Clinard- Book on typology of occupational criminals
Debate as to how to punish an organization
Schrager and short examined Organizational Crime- uses Sutherland definition
Clinard studies corporate crime with peter Yeager-first major study of CC in 1980
1988 William Chambliss elected president of the American society of criminology.
delivered speech titled STATE ORGANIZATIONAL CRIME- Received Legitimacy.
1950S & 60S occupational crime- defined as a crime perpetrated by an individual during his occupation
debate- focus is on the method and it is a legalistic view- contrasts with Sutherland definition- omit social status and any expansions on the legalistic definition.
1970s- development of corporate crime based on organizational goals *Sutherland
John Hagan- important to examine structural position within organizations
Combined Sutherlands occupation respect and high social status into one criterion