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Tsar Nicholas - Fall and Decline of the Romanov Dynasty

Essay by   •  July 29, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,005 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,926 Views

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Tsar Nicholas was a significant reason for the fall and decline of the Romanov Dynasty. This was because he failed to provide general and political reform. This proved to be fatal due to the time at war because not only did social unrest turn into revolution but he also alienated the elite in revolution. In addition Tsar Nicholas to recognize a government, which resisted on the use of force could survive without reform and it was this aspect that was crucial to his downfall in 1917.

Due to Tsar Nicholas's inability to provide gradual reform resulted in social and economic issues in Russia, which was a significant factor, that lead to the decline of the Romanov Dynasty. The Tsars strong will to hold on to Autocracy meant Russia was detrimentally impacted. This was evident as other countries such as Britain and America were having strong economic growth however due to the Tsar, Russia was unable to do this. This also created unfair living and working conditions for the lower income earners such as peasants and workers who were 90% of the population although only received 1% of the wealth. As a result of this there was social unrest through Russia and this was evident from the event Bloody Sunday in 1905. The event caused 5000 to be wounded and 2000 to be killed which lead to Tsar Nicholas to be known as "Nicholas the bloody" In consequence of this event there were 13995 strikes which caused issues in the economy as production would not be operating for the day. Political reform was created in result of Bloody Sunday and this is evident through the October Manifesto and the forming of the Duma. The Duma was shortly lived as the Tsar dismissed the first Duma after 10 weeks and it was evident that he did not believe in the Duma as he changed the laws. This resulted in the Duma to have limited say. Through these two political reforms the Tsar tried to compensate for his mistakes from Bloody Sunday. Furthermore the Tsar's will to hold autocracy was largely responsible for the failure of political reforms introduced by the October Manifesto of 1905. Reforms were rapidly undermined and in result the Tsarist government remained oppression, which was a significant reason for the decline of the Romanov Dynasty.

A crucial mistake Tsar Nicholas made which was directly responsible for the fall and decline of the Romanov Dynasty was Russia's contribution to World War I. Due to previous failures in war such as the 1904 Japanese war, Russia's involvement in WWI negatively impacted Russia. This is evident as Russia was socially and economically impacted. The involvement in war created economic issues and social unrest as all resources were used towards the army which resulted in even lower living standards and working conditions. From 1917 Russia spent 17 000 million roubles on the war and despite increased taxes and foreign borrowings, Russia was forced off the Gold standard. In result of economic problems this also created issues for the military because demands of the total



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