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There Are Important Aspects Which Form the Constitution

Essay by   •  October 12, 2012  •  Essay  •  268 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,613 Views

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There are important aspects which form the constitution:

The President: The president is the head of state, who is democratically elected by the German people every seven years. It should be noted that the President will take no part in day-to-day government matters, while the president will now be able to dissolve the Reichstag and call a general election if he felt the political situation warranted it. He could also veto Reichstag legislation. By doing this, the president can reject off any Reichstag laws he disapproves of.

The president could also declare a state of emergency and rule by emergency decree as under by Article 48 without consulting the Reichstag.

The Chancellor: The president has the power to appoint his chancellor with the recommendation that the Chancellor should have the support of a majority in the Reichstag. It must be noted that the Chancellor will be the head of government under the terms of the constitution; the Chancellor will choose ministers as well as run this country, but to pass laws he will need majority support in the Reichstag.

The Reichstag: The Reichstag is the main legislative body under the Weimar constitution. Members of the Reichstag are elected using a system of Proportional Representation based on Universal Suffrage for all adults aged 20 or older. The voting system was designed to reflect the wishes of the electorate as accurately as possible.

There are features of the constitution which are measured as strengths and weaknesses. One of the Weimar Republic's strengths is that it has a strong president who keeps control over the government and protects the country if in a crisis.



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