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The Council for Exceptional Children

Essay by   •  May 15, 2011  •  Essay  •  781 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,333 Views

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The Council for Exceptional Children is the largest international professional organization dedicated to the success of individuals with exceptionalities. CEC's objective is to improve the lifestyle of individuals with disabilities as well as their families. The organization is diverse with members throughout the world. There are numerous sub-groups within the organization. CEC is committed to bringing the most up-to-date information affecting the field of special education. The CEC encourages membership of individuals with exceptionalities to participate in the enrichment of the field of special education. The organization has a huge moral obligation and therefore a strong code of ethics.

The Council for Exceptional Children has been recognized by the federal government as the fore runner in advocating for the needs of exceptional students and the professionals that work with them. CEC is commonly known as the voice and vision of the field. There are nearly 45,000 members of the organization. The members include PhD's, presidents, and numerous professionals in the special education. CEC has dedicated its resources to ensuring professionals have up-to-date relevant issues accessible to its members. The Council for Exceptional Children has recently revised the mission statement to "CEC is an international community of educators who are the voice and vision of special and gifted education. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals with exceptionalities and their families through professional excellence and advocacy"

The Council for Exceptional Children has numerous sub-comities including Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE), Evidence Base Practices (EBP)and Professional Development to name a few. Each of these committees have unique rolls and is geared toward a balanced overall objective. CASE's primary is a network of administrators aimed at collaborating information to enhance their particular schools or school systems. CASE is an international organization that accepts responsibility to provide meaningful training for professionals in the special education arena. Their mission is to provide support to members by shaping policies and practices which impact the quality of special education.

Evidence Base Practices provides a place for teachers and other professionals to research common practices in the classroom. It gives recommendations for topics that are effective for certain disabilities. The comity works with The Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences to develop the measurement of successful strategies. Dough Fuch, a professor at Vander University implies that EBP has 20-30 years experience, long before "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND" of solid research in assessment and interaction techniques that special education teachers can rely on (Council for Exceptional Children). EBP provides teachers with clear concise step by step instructions



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