The Act of Marriage
Essay by Marry • December 7, 2011 • Essay • 771 Words (4 Pages) • 1,511 Views
Colt Hare
Mrs. Be Del
English 50 persuasive analysis
The Act of Marriage
Marriage, to me is the act of choosing the one person that you would want to be with forever, but everybody's view on it is different, but for some people like Evan Wolfson don't get that choice. Evan Wolfson talks about marriage in his article "What is Marriage." In his article he talks about all aspects of marriage from past to present. He talks about the benefits you get if you are married and who cant get married. He uses real life examples that he gives to you while he tries to persuade you to except gay marriage. He also talks about his own struggle with the marriage presses and the laws. His article is really persuasive because how he explains what marriage is, the evolution and history of marriage, and his real life examples.
In Evan Wolfson's article is vary persuasive because he explains what marriage is. He explains what marriage is to inform you, and that's not the only reason its persuasive but it is one of the reasons I found it persuasive. I found the fact that he informs you just on what marriage is first because marriage can be interpreted in many different ways. Before he tells you what marriage is he tells you that "There are anywhere from two thousands to seven thousand different language spoken in the word today...Still, I'm willing to bet that each of these languages has something in common with the others: a word that means marriage.(99)" This really opened my eyes to how big and serious marriage is. He explains that "There is clearly a deference between marriage and marriages...(101)." He states that marriage is conducted by real couples who have a commitment for better or worse, and marriages are thing that people do when they "think" they love each other which there marriage usually ends in devoice. Him giving the reader the information about marriage opens your mind so will be more susceptible to be persuaded.
Another great persuasion trick Evan Wolfson uses s to explain the history of marriage and how its evolved over the centuries. He states "... it has historically been a battlefield,(101)" and that being said made me think of how many people have fought to have the right to marry and where it has come from. He gave real life examples of where marriage has evolved from, he states "In ancient Rome, for example, a man was not considered a citizen until he was wed.(102)" This made me think because I didn't know this until I read it and I realized how far marriage has come. He also talks about the of marriage history in America, and the thing that made me really have to stop and look back was "There was a time where our country excluded African-Americans