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The 2012 Phenomenon

Essay by   •  June 10, 2011  •  Essay  •  748 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,675 Views

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The year 2012, has been a "hot" topic for a very long time. There have been rumours, theories, and stories going around about the so-called "end of the world". December 21, 2012 is the date which is affiliated with scientific facts and religious theories connecting to a major global change, or so we know it as the destruction of our Earth. There have been too many discreditable theories going around and today, this presentation will expose to you the truth about the year 2012.

This story started with the Sumerians, one of the first great civilizations on Earth. They believed that a planet named "Nibiru" is headed towards Earth and will collide with it in the year 2012. The prediction was that this destruction will occur in May of 2003, but when this did not happen, the date was later changed to December of 2012. This prediction led to the birth of several other rumours. Some started to say that the Earth will enter a black hole, or that it will have a polar shift of 180 degrees or that there will be a planet alignment in 2012, which will destroy our planet but these assumptions weren't based on facts; only opinions.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, also known as NASA, had a few facts which talk about this phenomenon. David Morrison, NAI Senior Scientist says"If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye." The Sumerians who believe this theory did not even know that the planets orbited the sun so, how could we expect them to make us believe that the Earth's destruction will occur next year and decide our future? Furthermore, there have also been stories about the earth changing its polar shift by 180 degrees. In a documentary, David Morrison said that "the polar shift cannot happen at all, it is impossible and it has never happened and never will". He went on to say, "there are concerns about the magnetic shift of the north pole and south pole which does happen every few hundred thousand years but even that does not have any serious affects on Earth".

The Mayans are a part of the Mesoamerican cultures. The Mayan calendar is associated with this phenomenon. According to this calendar, 2012 marks the end of a time period called a "baktun". People have associated the end of the baktun as a sign which emphasizes the idea that Earth will diminish in 2012, according to the Mayan calendar. "There is nothing in the Maya or Aztec or ancient Mesoamerican prophecy to suggest that they prophesied a sudden or major change of any sort in 2012," says Mayanist scholar Mark Van Stone. "The notion of a "Great Cycle" coming to an end is completely a modern invention," he also said. In our modern calendar, when December 31, 2010 came, we did not think that it marked



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