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Subject : Business Communication

Essay by   •  June 21, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  1,288 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,736 Views

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Nestle has launched quality street ,lion and after 8 choclates imported from Europe. Qualtty Street is an assortment of chocolates priced at Rs. 7 5 for 218 gm. After Eight is a popular adult chocolate priced at Rs.25 for 20 gm and Lion is a caramel wafer bar priced at Rs. 20 for a 45 gm bar. (Kit Kat )is priced at Rs. 6 for a 17 gm bar and has a chocolaty taste while Lion has a crunchy taste). The brands have different tastes and will appeal to different target segments (though the target segment is one which may have already been exposed to these brands during visits abroad). These brands have been introduced in metros in upmarket stores which sell brands bears the label "lmported by Nestle India Ltd." indicating that they may be better than smuggled ones (which may be stale).

Question :

1 Suggest suitable media /media vehicles for promoting these brands. Give reasons in support of your answer

2 What business communication media you will utilize if you have to launch a soap in rural India?

CASE -2 (20 Marks)

The herbal shampoo market is valued at around Rs. 100 crores. Ny/e, Ayur, Dqbur and Biotique are some of the established brands in the market.

Helene Curtis (JK Group) has introduced a premium herbal shampoo (with variants Shikskai, henna and qmla and brqhmi and josur) priced between Rs. 80 and Rs. 90 (500 ml) for different types of hair. The proposition is the benefits offered by lhe variant based on the combination of herbs, benefits offered by the variants range from extra protection and nourishment to colour, body and bounce. The shampoos have been launched under the brand name Premium Herbsl Shsmpoos and they target urban housewives with a monthly household income of Rs.25,000. The brand is distributed through 7 0,000 retail outlets and 120 Raymond shops. The company has planned only point of purchase (POP) posters initially and may consider the electronic media later. The shampoo has an annual advertising expenditure of Rs. 10 crores.

Question :

1 Comment on the marketing mix of JK's Premium Herbsl Shampoos ?

2 How can you make their communication more effective ?.

CASE 3 (40 Marks)

Attempt all cases of the following: (10 marks each)

(i) Iran Rafsanjan Co., Rafsanjan



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