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Business Communication Trends Paper

Essay by   •  August 19, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  1,092 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,235 Views

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Business Communication Trends Paper

Businesses rely on communication to help improve its profit, organization, talent pool, and service. This is the way employees, managers, and colleagues, verbally and nonverbally try to accomplish work and discuss individual points. Problems in communication occur every day in e-mail, letters, and in one-on-one conversations. Today many businesses seek out individuals with good business communication to help support the growth of the business. In this paper I will explain how business communication incorporates into my day-to-day activities, how I manage my daily tasks using business communication, and trends I have seen in my workplace as a result of business communication.

As a chef in a corporate restaurant company business communication plays a significant role in my day-to-day activities. I often use verbal, written, and nonverbal communication throughout the day. I use the phone often to call vendor whom I buy my food from. If there is a problem with meat and the quality of this product does not pass my inspection, I call the vendor to discuss the issue I have with the quality. Sometimes it may be very stressful so I need to makes sure when I am on the phone with my meat vendor, I do not yell or speak sarcastically. The tone in my voice if crucial when talking on the phone and it conveys the message I am sending to the vendor clear and with no confusion. If I were to yell, the message and urgency of the matter may be misunderstood or simply ignored. Patience and tone is very important. "Because only sound is involved, friendly voices are important" (Raymond, 2008, p. 5). Communication with my corporate office is mostly done via e-mail. Internal written documents to address issues with the meat quality (policy and procedures) I provide to my corporate office. The document I use to inform my purchasing department is a quality control product sheet. This sheet informs the purchasing department the nature of the issue and steps that I took to replace the product and why. Cooks and supervisors need raises and every six months I review them based on performance. I use performance appraisals to evaluate the employee and then sent to the payroll department for approval.

In my workplace I use nonverbal communication the most when in the kitchen. Every month I create new recipes along with training materials, table service educate, key cooking time standards, and timing of coursing out the meal. All of these points are shown by training. I need to be aware of body gestures, rolling of the eyes, yawing, and "nodding off." This tells me that I either need to make the training session fun or up-beat, or the individual simply has no interest.

An individual needs to possess good business communication to show organization and success. Understanding the material, keeping it organized, and knowing the audience helps me to stay organized at work. Keeping a file system on the desktop helps me to stay organized with my daily tasks. Creating a file for product issues and recalls helps me to monitor if the issue recurs again. It helps me to track if I have



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