Stats 201 R
Essay by Michelle Azahalia • May 23, 2016 • Coursework • 1,127 Words (5 Pages) • 1,431 Views
Computer Assignment
- a) agemean<-mean(pop.2$age)
> agemean
[1] 34.97627
> agesd
[1] 4.187331
b) > boxplot(pop.2$age,main= "Key Points of Age Variable") (Plot on separate piece of paper)
c)> summary(pop.2$age)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
20.00 32.00 35.00 34.98 38.00 54.00
- > bmimean<-mean(pop.2$bmi)
> bmimean
[1] 24.98446
> bmisd<-sd(pop.2$bmi)
> bmisd
[1] 4.188511
> boxplot(pop.2$bmi,main= "Key Points of Bmi Variable")(Plot on separate piece of paper)
> summary(pop.2$bmi)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
9.986 22.080 24.820 24.980 27.700 46.230
- a) table(pop.2$group)
28126 4215 67659
b) table(pop.2$sex)
50032 49968
- a) > sampleage1<-sample(pop.2$age,size=100)
> sampleage1
[1] 35 32 31 32 37 37 34 33 35 38 34 34 33 37 31 34 29 34 40 36 27 38 35 37
[25] 33 36 26 33 34 36 37 31 39 30 28 34 32 32 39 35 36 34 34 31 33 36 33 32
[49] 37 34 34 34 35 34 38 30 31 40 28 40 35 42 31 39 33 29 39 31 34 34 39 45
[73] 34 34 37 45 28 39 32 33 36 37 42 33 35 31 37 34 36 34 29 31 36 32 39 30
[97] 32 30 32 40
b) > mean(sampleage1)
[1] 34.41
> sd(sampleage1)
[1] 3.660035
c) > t.test(sampleage1,conf.level=0.95)
One Sample t-test
data: sampleage1
t = 94.015, df = 99, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
33.68377 35.13623
sample estimates:
mean of x
d) (yes it does have the mean of the population)
e ) Null Hypothesis
- H0 = there is no difference between the mean of sample age 1 and the agemean
- Research Hypothesis
- H1 = there is a difference between the mean of sample age 1 and agemean
> #two-sided
> t.test(sampleage1,mu=agemean,conf.level=0.95)
One Sample t-test
data: sampleage1
t = -1.5472, df = 99, p-value = 0.125
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 34.97627
95 percent confidence interval:
33.68377 35.13623
sample estimates:
mean of x
- Need to reject research hypothesis since there is no difference. Therfore H0 = there is no difference between the mean of sample age 1 and the agemean
6)a) sampleage2<-sample(pop.2$age,size=100)
> sampleage2
[1] 35 31 31 32 32 33 38 33 36 36 43 33 32 30 34 31 34 40 38 44 32 32 41 36
[25] 31 39 35 33 32 28 44 36 36 36 34 42 35 37 37 38 35 42 30 36 35 31 38 39
[49] 33 38 38 32 32 35 43 28 32 37 35 35 33 39 29 38 36 33 36 35 32 43 24 35
[73] 34 24 40 42 37 35 36 31 25 34 33 32 33 33 36 34 32 35 32 35 36 30 34 37
[97] 34 28 36 45
b) > mean(sampleage2)
[1] 34.8
> sd(sampleage2)
[1] 4.129226
c) ) Null Hypothesis
- H0 = there is no difference between the mean of sample age 1 and the mean of sampleage2
- Research Hypothesis
- H1 = there is a difference between the mean of sample age 1 and the mean of sampleage2
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: sampleage1 and sampleage2
t = -0.7068, df = 195.19, p-value = 0.4805
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-1.4782206 0.6982206
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
34.41 34.80
The 95% confidence interval of the difference in mean sampleage 1 and sampleage2 is between 34.41 and 34.80 .