Speech Topic Database
Essay by Stella • September 4, 2011 • Study Guide • 445 Words (2 Pages) • 2,385 Views
Speech Topic Database Date: 09/04/80 Compiled by Isamu Maruhashi
Type: S=Social policy, V=Value, S/V=Social value, I=Informative http://www.thespeechsite.com/
Topic Category Conclusion Type Contest Year Rank Speaker Spkr Club
Child abuse Child abuse Fix child guidance clinics S Sophia 2003 1 Koike, Sachiko Aoyama Gakuin
Child abuse in institutions Child abuse Prevent S Okuma 2003 Chabatake, Hiromi Kwansei Gakuin
Parenting Children How to be a parent S Amano 2003 3 Ohtani, Miho Dokkyo
UN Children's Rights Convention Children Jpn shld review/rethink S/V Fukuzawa 2003 Meguro, Kanae Keio
Child prostitution Children/Ed Improved sex ed S Fukuzawa 2003 Ishii, Nanako Sacred Heart
"Amakudari" Corruption End "amakudari" S JUEL 2003 Yao, Tomoko Kansai U.
Corporate whistleblowers Corruption More ethical companies S JUEL 2003 1 Fujiwara, Kanako Sacred Heart
Death education Death Promote death education V Suekawa 2003 Morisaki, Mana Sophia
Gay discrimination Discrimination Stop unconscious discrimination S/V Kaneko 2003 3 Iiida, Shuhei Kwansei Gakuin
Bank loans Economics Change lending criteria S Amano 2003 Minato, Satori Kansai U.
Bankruptcies Economics Recovery system S JUEL 2003 Minato, Satori Kansai U.
Consumer loan companies Economics Regulate commercials S Suekawa 2003 Motoyoshi, Mari Kitakyushu U.
Credit card deliquency Economics Be more careful S Okuma 2003 Kajikawa, Nadoka Doshisha
After-school care Ed/Handicapped Allow handicapped in S Fukuzawa 2002 2 Mega, Tomoe WESA
Early/preschool education Education 3-step plan S Fukuzawa 2002 Marumori, Atsuko WESS
Integrated study Education Make more efficient S JUEL 2003 Chabatake, Hiromi Kwansei Gakuin
Integrated study Education Improve framework S Amano 2003 Komatsu, Chiharu JWU
Integrated study Education Improve framework S Sophia 2003 2 Komatsu, Chiharu JWU
Teacher stress Education Reduce class size S Okuma 2003 2 Nakajima, Masami Keio
Teacher stress Education Reduce class size S Kaneko 2003 2 Nakajima, Masami Keio
Teacher training Education Train inflexible teachers S JUEL 2003 Otsuji, Yuki JWU
Teacher training Education Train inflexible teachers S Sophia 2003 Otsuji, Yuki JWU
Employment for elderly Elderly Adopt worksharing S Fukuzawa 2003 Nakamura, Mio Seikei
Foreign caregivers for old Elderly Allow them into Japan S Suekawa 2003 Nishida, Shoko Tsuda
Fulfilling elderly lives Elderly More care & volunteer S Fukuzawa 2002 Yoshida, Yumi Soka
Old age Elderly How to grow old S/V Sophia 2003 Miyazaki, Takiyo Sophia
Senile dementia Elderly More Group Homes S Amano 2003
"Freeters" Employment Economic education S Suekawa 2003 Suzuki, Hideka St. Paul's
Finding suitable jobs Employment "Career education" S Fukuzawa 2003 1 Kitamura, Ruri Tsuda
Getting a job Employment Find a dream first S Kaneko 2003 Otsuji, Yuki JWU
High employee turnover Employment Need longterm POV S/V Suekawa 2003 Oho, Yukiko WESA
Intership programs Employment More and better ones S Okuma 2003 Otsuji, Yuki JWU
Intership programs Employment More and better ones S Kaneko 2003 Yamada, Akihito Kwansei Gakuin
Part-time worker wage Employment Make same as fulltimers S Fukuzawa 2003 Shibata, Aina WESA
Danger of chemicals Environment S Suekawa 2002 3 Kiyokawa, Takahiro Sophia
Diff. Between Jpn/Europe Environment Not much diff., attitude S/V Suekawa 2002 Manabe, Kayoko Osaka
Environmental hormones Environment Danger! Warning speech S/V Suekawa 2002 Inoue, Yoshitaka Kyoto
Heat Island phenomenon Environment How to reduce affect S Sophia 2003 Nagai, Yoshiaki Saitama
Recycling Environment Promotion of recycling S Sophia 2003 Abe, Tomoko Takasaki CUE
Wild animal extinction Environment Breed and release S Kaneko 2003 Yoneda, Asuka Tokyo
Family Family Importance of family V Kaneko 2003 Miura, Tomoko Sophia
Handicapped Handicapped Allow in ordinary classes S Okuma 2003 Hatanaka, Mayuko Ritsumeikan
HC'ed children's future Handicapped S/V Suekawa 2002 Mutsuro, Ikuko Fukuoka Kyoiku U.
Sign language for deaf Handicapped Expand use S Kaneko 2003 Wakizaka,