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Some of the Many Roles Pertaining to Operating a Pud Terminal of a Successful Logistics Firm

Essay by   •  November 18, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  2,560 Words (11 Pages)  •  1,447 Views

Essay Preview: Some of the Many Roles Pertaining to Operating a Pud Terminal of a Successful Logistics Firm

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Some of the many roles pertaining to operating a PUD terminal of a successful logistics firm

When discussing a logistics outfit and the competitive nature of the thriving industry, terminal operations shed light on how firms can continue having success for years to come. A flourishing domino effect displays how different departments must depend on another for success via teamwork strategies. From meetings and forecasts regarding financial partners, goals are set in motion igniting the chain of the operations success. Vital upgrades follow suit, as investments turn into attractiveness from a customer's perspective. Of course, while maintenance of the company budget is always good for recognition, saving and making financial gains through logistics strategies is optimal for positive fiscal movement. All facets of this strategically placed terminal prove responsible for thriving in transportation, with one job title as important as the next, it is no wonder why this industry avoids desolation unlike many others due to this economy.

Terminal director- a terminal director is typically the highest-ranking position in this specific "food chain" known as a satellite terminal. Often times, this person is engaged in many different types of important meetings. Meetings with other corresponding corporate leaders in order to maintain the company's vision plan and goals; this is a main priority for this individual. While this person is undoubtedly a leader among leaders, he does not normally exhaust his or her time by dealing with the physical ongoing of the warehouse activities. The terminal director is more interested in the bigger picture involving the company and the goal towards progression for the future. A corporate figure, who must assert themselves in a decision-making light, this position is conceivably the face of the corporation. Besides the previously mentioned meetings with fellow visionaries of the firm, the director is also closely interacting with sales teams. This person does not encounter too many customers face to face, so normally; a get together with the sales representatives will do the trick to maintain a level of sustained knowledge of periodic projections. Forecasting is very crucial, especially when shareholders come into play. In these cases, the director is adamantly involved. Large accounts and shareholders love to receive coddling, so the terminal director must provide an optimistic approach on not only his respective terminals future, but how it is aiding the corporation overall through his efforts. Statistics of progress (or regress) are attainable through the next in line on the pecking order, also known as the terminal supervisor.

The terminal supervisor is like the terminal director in some ways, involving themselves in meetings and dealing with important clientele. In addition to having their own office like the director, this person is more of a leader than a manager or supervisor. He or she is next in line to attain the responsibility of the entire hub. They will constantly keep in touch with other facility leaders to ensure the terminal director's daily schedule stays uninterrupted by the warehouse activities. This supervisor oversees and allocates all events happening to and for the warehouse at hand. The duties of hiring and firing of employees in the terminal fall onto this versatile job title. He or she must be able to critique and make good judgment decisions on what they deem is best for the future of the company. An observant piece of this puzzle, this individual monitor's inventory and money spent in all facets of the hub-and-spoke system. Therefore, purchasing of newer equipment, warehouse necessities, maintenance of the building, technology upgrades, and promotions concern this position. To this operation, the trucks that make this entire process possible take a back seat to nothing purchasing wise. It is crucial to have the latest equipment and technology in order to stay on the level of the forever-present competition. In doing so, the next link in the chain of terminal personnel can thrive in doing what he or she does best, maintain all traffic in and out of the facility as efficiently as possible.

Moving along to the next head on the totem pole, is the logistics coordinator. This position entails all shipping and receiving operations per terminal. Financially trusted by the terminal supervisor (until given a reason not to), this person must account for movements in all directions, not so much on the local level, but on the larger, international scale. One wrong decision by this department is possible to lead to a frustrating financial loss to the firm. Constant innovative ideology is on this persons mind throughout the day, ploys in which he or she can save or make money for the company is the protocol. Combinations of transportation and delivery modes for freight moving from many locations are imperative. They can be from anywhere as close as down the street, to anywhere around the globe, presenting itself as an issue of this (overworked and sometimes underpaid) job title. Math and economics must be familiar to this specialist, mostly because of balancing, investing, dealing, and promising rates to customers in a fashion that is profitable for the company, and compassionate to the needs of a given customer. This position respectfully contends terms financially with the competition in order to specify that the "who, what, when, where, and (in the long run) why" logistics are even possible for the organization to vend. Selling these purchased freight investments are the real characters in the establishment, one of the most laid-back personalities in the station belongs to the sales representatives.

Conversely, this trait does a complete 180 degrees turn when communicating to a customer or a potential account. Charm and charisma mixed with wit and humor can convince prospecting buyers to invest in the warehouses merchandise. Staying in flux with the economic changes much like the logistics coordinator, the sales leader could have a handful of subordinates enforcing established rates with an allocated amount of "wiggle room" in order to land another account. The sales leader is the voice of the company in terms of customers both local and regional. This person will make 'house calls" by visiting the customer to ensure the relationship sustains a mutual level of appreciation towards one another for future involvements. Yes, this individual may seem to talk too much from time to time, but they can also be very loyal and captivating by keeping their word on deadlines and price rates. This job title not only calls for staying in touch with the logistics coordinator, but it also means constantly checking in with the warehouse manager in order to deal with customer needs and problems. These two contrasting



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