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Segmentation Case

Essay by   •  July 3, 2013  •  Essay  •  372 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,274 Views

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Beheavior is a behavior is a different group of consumers, taking into account their life style, pattern of their buying and using, pattern of spending money and time, and similar factor.

the segmentation divides customers into groups based on the way they respond to, use or know of a product. It will help me when planning a selling strategy, And create the process to get the money from them.

Psychographics can include such factors as where your target customers like to travel on vacation, the kinds of hobbies and interests they have, the values or opinions they hold, and how they behave. Unlike demographics, psychographics are not always easy to categorize into numbers.It's been said that demographics help you understand who buys your product or service, while psychographics helps you understand why they buy. Another way to put it is that demographics are things that can be observed from the outside, such as age and race, while psychographics are internal attributes or attitudes.


I will mainly targets children and their families. I will intrigues people of all ages; whether it is a child, teen, or parent. Disney theme parks were built for the whole family to enjoy and they do a fine job stressing that. If you pay close attention to their advertisements from abroad you will see that they are not always aimed for children, in fact they are aimed at the parents most of the time with little phrases such as "Let the Memories Begin" and "This is Where the Magic Happens." It is a perfect strategy for attract the customer because you will get the family customer that have a many number to spending a money to you.

As you can see Disney does not have one specific target market, it focuses on each member of the family. It mainly targets average income families, who live in urban areas. Almost all of the Disney Stores are located in large super-centers and malls; their theme park in the United States is located in Orlando, Florida; If the will build a disney theme park in thailand Bangkok is a good choice for it. because Bangkok is a top of tourist destination in south-east asia.



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