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Salutatorian Address

Essay by   •  November 11, 2011  •  Essay  •  729 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,861 Views

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Good evening, tonight I'm both honored and humbled to stand before you as a graduate of North Vermilion along with my fellow classmates. I'd like to start off by offering my thanks to a number of different people. First, I'd like to thank God; for it was from him that I gained my strength over the past four years. I owe my success to my parents, my sister, my teachers and coaches for inspiring me to go beyond my limits and looking past what is right in front of me. Most importantly I'd like to thank my friends for all of the memories, love, and many occasions of laughter throughout these years.

Well seniors.. we finally made it. This is for all of those last minute homework assignments that we copied down in the gym before school, our speedy recovery from a serious illness we like to call "senioritis" and for those lovely hours of stress due to a great experience called.. Senior project, mid-terms, and we can't forget about finals.

For most of us this journey started about twelve years ago. We anxiously counted down the days until we each started our own journeys. I remember my first day of school at Indian Bayou Elementary. My parents were there snapping pictures and wishing me well, as I nervously walked away with my power rangers lunch box in-hand. I had absolutely no idea of the implications of the journey I was about to begin. My biggest worries in life were meeting new people and not being like the kid next to me that managed to cry every day for a week straight.

As we entered high school from Maurice, Meaux, and Indian Bayou Elementary, we learned what it meant to have pride not only in our school, but also in our community. Friday night football games, pep rallies, and highlights of renaissance will remain a part of our memory here at North Vermilion. As the years went by, we began to count down the days until we were no longer stressed with school and all it had to offer.

Twelve years have passed from my first day of school and although it may seem a lot has hasn't. My parents are still here with their cameras, snapping pictures and wishing me well. We may still cry from time to time, but now it's out of laughter, not fear. Ironically enough, the countdown that we had so anxiously awaited has finally come to an end. As the final day approached us, some of us began to get excited while others began to think back on all of the memories we made. Wishing for just a split second that maybe.. just maybe, we could go back. Go back to Good memories.. like the girls holding the district title in track, or Garrett Granger becoming a state champion for the third consecutive year. Sad memories.. like losing a playoff game by one run, or having to say goodbye to a classmate who's life came to an end because of a fatal car accident. We all knew this day would come, but now that it's here we're not quite ready to say goodbye.

We must cherish



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