Gettysburg Address
Essay by Maxi • July 10, 2011 • Essay • 270 Words (2 Pages) • 1,851 Views
This passage of the Gettysburg Address is one that must have touched the hearts and souls of many. Reading the address allows one to remember why this great country was founded in the first place and under what principles. Principles that some must have been briefly forgotten when the Civil War first began.
Lincoln addresses the nation and in my opinion touches upon many long forgotten truths and perceptions of liberty. This nation was founded in order to escape from tyranny and discrimination. Yet, at this time, the country was torn between two halves and it would take a great leader like Lincoln to bring them back together. During the Civil War, brothers were fighting brothers and the country as a whole had lost its way. Lincoln touched on many points such as mans' rights to freedom and equality. He honored those who died in the pursuit of maintaining these freedoms and appealed to the people to do so as well. "It is rather for us, the living, we here be dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that, from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here, gave there last full measure of devotion."
In the end, our nation was reunited as one and the slavery had been put to sleep. While hints of discrimination continue to linger we as the great nation we are continue to strive forward to better ourselves. We should all be grateful to those who fought and those how continue to fight for the freedoms that we take for granted.