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Sales and Distribution

Essay by   •  May 10, 2017  •  Research Paper  •  429 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,272 Views

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Sales and Distribution management play an important role in the marketing system. Customersconsider a salesperson as the company selling a particular product or service. t is an essential !ob o" sales "unction is to maintain relationship #ith key accounts$ bat "or ne# customers$ have acomprehensive kno#ledge about products and markets$ and be technically e%uipped to handlecustomers. Distribution gives strength to the company by helping to increase the reach o" the product to various parts o" regions$ country$ or even "oreign markets. &n e""ective distributionsystem helps in making goods available in the right %uantity and SK' at the right time #hen it isre%uired. " properly managed$ the sales and marketing system thus give an opportunity o" e(tending it to a li"elong relationship e(tending beyond a business relationship.Sales management is undergoing rapid changes as companies are changing to service)deliverymodels than the earlier model o" !ust product delivery. *ogistics "unction is becoming the source o" competitive advantage #ith the arrival o" M+Cs. There can be di""erent partners associated #ith thedistribution system like #holesalers$ retailers$ departmental stores$ or supermarkets. t is in the marketing channels that the process and dynamics o" sales competition take place. Somechannels are very direct$ linking manu"acturers or originators o" service directly to consumers.,ther channels have many intermediate actors. During the distribution process$ o#nership maytrans"er a number o" times. The channel may operate at one geographic location or in di""erentcountries. Di""erent types o" products - services re%uire the support o" di""erent levels o" channellinkages. or e(ample M+Cs in the MC/ category try "or the "actory C& distributor #holesale1retailer route. *ike#ise$ "or high value products$ the key service re%uirements are high credit$ lo#supply- lead times-inventories and #hile "or perishable products cold chain transportation andstocking emerge as more critical. Strategic planning and e(ecution are a team e""ort bet#een salesmanagers and distribution channels.& primary distribution channel1 member is a business that takes inventory o#nership and soshoulders risks. & speciali2ed channel member$ on the other hand$ per"orms services vital to theoverall distribution process but does not share inventory o#nership risk. Sales and Distributionmanagement involves designing and selecting sales organisation structures$ negotiating agreements$and administering ongoing relationships. 3o#ever$ the reality o" multiple engagements renders itdi""icult to envision clean or clear cut channel arrangements. Measurement o" channel e""iciency isdirectly related to each members per"ormance



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