Role Play
Essay by TRINNY • October 15, 2012 • Research Paper • 1,956 Words (8 Pages) • 1,893 Views
Role Play
Hello my name is Caitriona Lambe, my PPS number is 7778445R. Today I am going to do a role play on selling tan to a woman who runs a hip hop dancing club. In my role play I will introduce small talk to my customer. I will use active listen and ask her questions about the exact type of tan she is looking for for her dancers. I will find out the customers hidden requirements of the product by asking questions. In the role play I will describe my product and why it it will benifit my customer. I will tell my customer the price range of my product. I will then ask her to sign the order form and arrange to have a follow up meeting in a months time to see if the customer is happy with the product.
Me: Good afternoon, Mrs. Carroll my name is Caitriona Lambe. I am here today as i received a phone in relation for a meeting on our products from our salon, please to meet you,
Customer: Oh Good afternoon Caitriona thanks for coming in, I am looking forward to looking at your product, please to meet you too,
Me: Oh thats good to hear haha, It's very quiet around the village today usally i can never get a parking place it does be that busy, feels like a sunday doesn't it?
Customer: Yes thats because all the children are off school for the mid-term break I know the roads do be packed in the village when the schools are open. I do be the same myself I can never get a packing space I usally have to leave earlier in the morning this week is great I get an extra ten minutes in bed haha.
Me: Aw really is that what it is, Id say you love when their on their mid-term break do you haha?
Customer: Yes I do haha I could get use to the extra ten minutes in bed in the mornings and not have to rush to get a parking spot does be a disaster in the mornings.
Me: I'd say so seeming it's such a small village, Well I was looking at your website last nite and I seen on your website that you run a hip-hop dancing club for 35 dancers, aged from 12 to 25 year olds. I seen that your club travels around alot for competisions. It must be really interesting to travel all around Ireland with the dancers is it?
Customer: It's good to know you were on my website, it really needs to be updated though we've been meaning to update it with all our new pictures from the finals, the girls got some lovely pictures with their medals and thropies.
Me: Aw Id say there lovely I must have a look again when its been updated, Okay well the reason I am here today is because you contacted our salon to arrange a meeting about our product range, Today I will talk to you about our product range is that okay with you?
Customer: Yes that is great caitriona. I was on Google last night and I was looking at salons around the area when i came across your salon and I must say I was very intrigued by your products and alot of the dancers mentioned your salon so I said I'd so on it and have a look for meself.
Me: Yes it's a wonderful website for advertising all our products, we've had a huge amount of people more interested in our products since we put it up. So could i ask you Mrs. Carroll what is it about our products that you are interested in?
Customer: Well our hip-hop dancers are looking for a new range tan as one of our dancers friend had told us about your range tan and explained how good it was our girls we really interested and are looking to try it out.
Me: Okay, as I understand you are looking for a new tan brand our company has a wide range of tan to offer if you could give me a little more detail in what type of tan you are looking for for your hip-hop dancers?
Customer: Yes of course, okay we are looking for a tan that is non-sticky, easy to apply, applies quickly to the skin, doesn't have a strong over-powering smell when putting it on a tan that has a pleasant smell to it, We are looking for a tan that has a healthy glow and that is non-streaks.
Me: I understand what you are saying but could you explain to me what you mean by saying your looking for a tan that is non-sticky tan?
Customer: Yes I mean non-sticky tan as in when it has been applied and after its dried into our dancers skin it isn't sticky and that it won't stick to their clothes, our last brand was a huge problem for us, all the dancers costumes and dress were destroyed from it as it use to stay on their clothes even after it has dried in, it was a real nightmare for us.
Me: I can see how annoying and uncomfortable that must of been for the dancers, and very expensive replacing all the costumes and clothes all the time after using it, I understand how you must of felt. So you're saying you want a tan that also doesn't take long to apply? Would you just explain to what you mean by wanting it to dry quicker?
Customer: Yes, well I mean at the moment the tan I was telling you about is normally taking our girls up to around 20 minutes for it to dry after applying it to their skin. So we are looking for a tan to only take up to around ten minutes which would be alot easier for our girls.
Me: Right then so you're looking for a tan that is non-sticky, easy to apply, applies quickly to the skin, has a nice smell when applying, has a nice healthy glow and is non-streaky would i be correct in saying that?
Customer: Yes that would be correct this is what are dancers are looking for in their tan.