Resorts in Bali
Essay by sunliyuan • July 6, 2013 • Research Paper • 3,673 Words (15 Pages) • 1,517 Views
According to the Intelligent Spas survey,number of Spas and Resorts in Bali have grown over 160% since 2003, the report illustrate that there are 390 spas currently operating and another 21 spas under development in Bali. At global level, the spa industry is showing fast growth trend, up to 20% - 30% annual growth rate. (International spa association report 2012). Spa therapies have been changed and developed from ancient times in many aspects. The different forms that reflect the social, cultural and political environment in which there are embedded. With the development of times, the concept of Spa was constantly updated, given the new way and rich connotations(Cohen 2000). The traditional aspect of Balinese therapies, strong brand image and close proximity to source markets has kept Bali on growth mode despite terrorism and Tsunami threats.
The global spa industry is a outcome for a range of products and services which could enhance people's health and well-being. Spas are now springing up all over the world and have become a standard feature of luxury hotels and resorts(Cooper 2009). The Wellness industry and SPA fashion concept of many developing countries in Asia are still at an early stage (Corbin&Pangrazi 2008). A study of Asia's spa industry shows that a variety of spa in big cities emerging Asian countries, favored by more and more white-collar workers and family travelers. Some luxury hotel spa facilities are added to meet the needs of high-end customers,so spa industry in Asia has a huge potential for further growth.(SpaFinder 2007)
Expansion and quick growth also brings many challenges at the same time. This study aims to state the SPA industry development status of developing countries in Asia at present and discuss the trend and challenges in the future.This paper aims to look at the various challenges the facility managers of Spa hotels and resorts in developing Asian countries,compared with literature review and field study at a Spa hotel in Bali. An interview with the spa manager, participant observation to collect data. the article provide some feasible suggestions for developing countries spa resort development. Most spa hotel had face some challenges for the spa design, renew the facilities, high staff turnover and need the innovation. Besides,the whole industry was in a mess status since lack of the industry standard and supersive of government.
Concept of Spa tourism
Tourism has become the greatest "industry" and leading economic activity in the world. The diversity of tourist offer has enabled contemporary tourists to choose among different forms of tourism, such as cultural, spa, nautical, etc(Smith 2006). Spa is associated with water treatment which is also known as balneotherapy.The increase in demand for spa tourism in the world is the result of the modern way of living. Hectic and stressful rhythm of a modern man's life, environment pollution and unhealthy diet lead to different diseases. (Smith and Puczko 2008). The stated has influenced the emergence of the need to improve people's health and overall satisfaction. Due to the stated reasons, spa tourism and wellness belong to significant forms of contemporary tourism.Nowadays,the authoritative theory expound that the spa has five elements which includes the professional beautician, water, light, electricity, aromatic essential oil, music and other element (International Spa Association 2007). It a combination way of relieving stress and it can help people achieve of strong and handsome body, mind, spirit and improve action.
1.1 The meaning of Spa resort
Holiday hotel main pursuit in order to meet the guests to relax, healthy, diving, happiness and the freedom to escape the daily pressures and the travel demand and provide appropriate facilities for its commercial accommodation facilities, activities and services(Détente Consultants 2009)
The main function of spa resorts is to provide health care service by using natural factors for medical cure in specialized structures and a pleasant environment. Spa locations can differ, to a great extent, from a simple spa hotel until a real tourism resort with different spa profiles(ISPA 2007)
The development status of SPA resort in Asia
Asian spas learned a lot of the essence of Oriental traditional health culture. Some of them are influenced by the philosophies and major religious traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and others that form the core of the Asian persona.(Durocher 2007). Though Asian countries have a relatively obvious geographical and racial difference ,also spa forms are not identical from all countries, but they still shared traditions and has some overlap in many levels(Madhachitara 2007). Since to the global health and wellness industry present a boom status, more tourists visiting Asia for exotic holidays,face to diversified spa forms in Asian,customers are spoilt for choice, whether for relaxation, wellness or even spiritual healing. Currently, Asia has a large number of new spa centres which is under built and developed, the number reached 35% of the world's total. In many of the spa destinations in Asian,Thailand is the most popular and favourite place in current years and it attracted nearly 4 million international visitors arriving for spa holidays in 2009. Besides,China and Indonesia are also important spa tourism markets in Asian. China is regarded as a new market which has a huge potential,it had attracted 3.3 million in 2009. Indonesia developed the spa tourism earlier than China since the Bali Island was developed in 1970s,the spa in Indonesia also famous, 2.5 million international spa tourism arrived here in 2009(Carrow 2009). Furthermore, many islands in Asia countries have the amazing scenery, such as Bali, Phuket, Koh Samui,they combined the spa service and the beautiful beach,create a natural and peaceful atmosphere which has drawn many Westerners seeking a beach holiday together with relaxation.
Spa resort development are still present a boom status, especially the expansion of some famous brand, llike Banyan Tree which is known globally for their high quality spas and superior service,except the excellent basic spa service,they also provide the premium spa services. The expansion action of the famous spa brand has changed the strategy, they focus on the secondary cities instead of the big cities. For example,Banyan Tree spa resort was opened in Lijiang at the end of 2006.
2.1 Spa resorts in Bali Island in Indonesia(Case study)
Indonesia has a long history of Spa. Since 1000 years ago,the archipelago has been known Spa.Now the Spa industry has to be bright in the world. When you arrive