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Reflect on a Time When You or Someone You Know Faced and Ethical Dilemma in the Workplace

Essay by   •  October 16, 2011  •  Essay  •  860 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,814 Views

Essay Preview: Reflect on a Time When You or Someone You Know Faced and Ethical Dilemma in the Workplace

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Reflect on a time when you or someone you know faced and ethical dilemma in the workplace.

The ethical dilemma that I am going to reflect upon is someone that I know and how they cheated in themselves in their education by cheating in getting their education. In high school, when people do not make enough time to do their school work, they cheat. It has become quite popular to get pregnant in high school in the city I live close to.

I know a person, I will call Jamie, she did not like school. Jamie convinced her mother that she should be home schooled. Tracy, Jamie's mother, allowed her to stay home whenever Jamie felt "ill." Jamie stayed home for every possible ache, pain and "illness" , that she could come up with. Including her feminine issues. Jamie claimed that she did not fit in, was a social outcast, and did not even like riding the bus to get to school.

This went on for two years. While Jamie was truant from school because she just did not get up to go, she was in Girls Scouts, and went to every meeting. Jamie would go to the mall every Friday night to hang out. Jamie would also go to the movies, her fiends' houses, and anywhere she was able to go on a Friday night through the weekend. The next thing we knew, Jamie was pregnant. This happened because instead of going to school, she stayed home with her boyfriend and well big surprise, she got pregnant. Tracy decided then it was time to home school Jamie because now more than ever, her education was most important because Tracy did not want Jamie to have kids without graduating.

Jamie, deciding that she did not want to do the home school work either, managed to get her brother's girlfriend Amber to do her school work for her. Amber was also being home schooled. This was a group of teenagers that felt hanging out and doing what they want was more important than getting a education. Amber does not do the Jamie's school work for her either. Both girls decided that it was more important to go to the mall, or movies, or hang out with friends instead of doing the school work. Amber got pregnant before Jamie did by Jamie's brother. Amber did not graduate either.

Jamie now has two children, has gone through two home schooling programs, and still has not graduated. Jamie is about to turn 20 years old, has two children, and is taking summer school classes to earn her high school diploma. Financially she is collecting government assistance and her job that she has is babysitting other people's babies.

The ethical issue here is that Jamie did not do her own school work and because of her lack to achieve her education, she is still in school because Amber did not do her work for her either.

Describe the relationship among virtue, values, and moral concepts in the ethical dilemma.




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