Redecorating: Its Life Changing Consequences
Essay by Kill009 • October 1, 2011 • Essay • 1,026 Words (5 Pages) • 2,083 Views
Redecorating: Its Life Changing Consequences
In "Cherry Red", Liane Kupferberg Carter recalls a time in her life when she wanted to be
more grown up. Cherry Aimes, her favorite character in a series of books was "chic and
sophisticated". Carter describes John Gravely as a friendly neighborhood painter. When she
was on the brink of turning into a young lady, a man she trusted betrayed her. Carter felt it was
all her fault for being overly excited to see him after a long time. She learned growing up was
not always like a story with a happy ending, and maturity comes with a price.
John Gravely was content while working and always welcomed a break to listen to her
stories. She was quite an imaginative young girl when it came to writing stories. Sometimes
while John Gravely was working at her house, Carter would go upstairs to the attic. This is
where her imagination ran wild and she wrote stories on and old manual typewriter. Carter
describes herself as being shy at that time. The kids at school made fun of her. Carter never felt
shy around John Gravely, who gave her his undivided attention, even though the look in his
crossed eyes made her a bit uneasy. Carter had crossed eyes herself and had corrective surgery
when she was six years old. His eyes were more crossed than hers...
When she was nearly twelve, Carter convinced her mother to redecorate her
bedroom similar to that of Cherry Aimes. The colors were red and white, with cherries
incorporated for accent. Carter and her mother didn't completely agree on all the fabric choices
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but eventually made a compromise. Her mother assured her that she would one day come to