Principle Management
Essay by Maxi • March 13, 2012 • Essay • 748 Words (3 Pages) • 1,878 Views
Scalar chain: according to fayol scalar chain is the "line of authority" or the "chain of superiors from the highest to lowest levels". He alleged that if the workers always follow the line of authority it may lead to slow decision making for e.g.: if a sales manager wants to get in touch with the marketing manager regarding some problems they are facing he will have to go through a line of authority which might take time. Fayol suggested that two individuals at the same ranking can communicate with each other without going through the chain of superiors. This breaking of the line of authority was called "gang plank" by fayol.
* Order: this principle is divided into "material" and "social order". Order simply means that everything should be in its place or a place for everything and everyone. This also emphasizes that the right man should be selected for the right job and at the right time. As it is nicely put "order according to fayol was nothing but 'a place for everything (everyone) and everything (everyone) in its place.' (P.C.Jain, C.Sharma, M.Nandrajog, 2003).
* Equity: fayol understood that if the workers were given a fair and reasonable treatment they would be motivated to work hard and give in their finest performance. He believed that employees should not be discriminated on the basis of colour, caste, age, sex, etc. during any activity or circumstances that turn up in the company.
* Stability of tenure of personnel: according to fayol the unsteadiness of personnel in any organisation is a dreadful sign and goes on to show the incapability of the manager to keep his subordinates satisfied and happy. The instability also proves to be a costly affair for the organization as a whole. If the company wants to be a success it should ensure that the employees are content and are given enough time to adapt to the surroundings and the work place so as to give in their best efforts.
* Initiative: initiative generally means taking the first step or going against the odds to try out something new. In his principle of initiative that is what fayol suggests. For a company to achieve higher goals it is the duty of the managers to take initiative and undertake the projects which otherwise be ignored due to various reasons. In doing so he is setting a practical example for the subordinates to work hard and take initiatives to bring the company to a competitive stage in the market.
* Spirit de corps: in simple terms it means 'team work'. Fayol highlighted that the production results of a team or group is always higher than individual potentials. A team together is more daring and willing to take risks. Moreover, they come up with something extra called 'synergy'. Brainstorming can also be a good example. Fayol also emphasized that the manager should make sure that the members of a team are in harmony and are at easy while communicating