Photo Manipulation
Essay by cheetahbby17 • October 31, 2012 • Essay • 1,423 Words (6 Pages) • 1,597 Views
ake a look around you , what do you see? It's not art , its not beauty, what can it be? Adversiments! The average person sees about 1000 advertisements a day thats almost 30,000 a month and 365,000 advertisements a year! Half of those ads aren't even true! All they do is tell you lies. Advertising companies want you to think better of their product by manipulating the ad. Photography can mamipulate the way you perceive an image. Manipulate : to alter or edit something by color, shape , size, removing flaws , sharpness, and any other way of changing the way you see something.There are many different types of manipulation , how manipulation is used and how it can be used. You can create photo manipulation by just having a simple red eye remover.Manipulation is done for a number of purposes. More infamously, it is for political or sensational purposes.However, photo manipulation is also an art form in its own right.
Pictures are worth a thousand words, But are they true? A photograph is very powerful, its able to tell a complete story with just one picture; let's just hope the story is true. A photograph can also be misleading. In addition with all the new technology and different softwares, it's easy to manipulate a photography and therefore, reality. As truthful as a photo can be to reality people still need to trust the photographer and hope that he or she is not manipulating the picture to suit his or her needs.
Photo manipulation is an image with editing techniques to create an illusion or deception through a photo.Its uses, cultural impact, and ethical concerns have made it a subject of interest beyond the technical process and skills involved (Wikepedia).Photo manipulation is a process in which a photograph is altered in some way that can be fairly subtle or quite dramatic.Photo manipulation is usually used to persuade viewers or to improve story telling in a way which it becomes unreal, like a fairy tail. photo manipulation is everywhere in your daily life. It is a type of digital art. It is a unique way to describe photos and stories by adding filters and special effects to photographs in order to make an illusion or define through digital means. Photo manipulation has been commonly used to convince viewers that the product is better then it actually is. It can be simply a photo which colors have been converted, or a photo that has been painted over. Photo manipulation is being becoming more common then ever in todays society. Advertising companies are hurting so bad with the economy they will do anything to make you buy there product. Facebook is making the average person a manipulator. teenage girls want guys to see them different then who they really are, so they will manipulate their photos, therefore it changes reality.
There are so many different types of manipulation ranging from mental, emotional to physical manipulation. Photo manipulation can be for artistic purposes, to combine artistic beauty and imagination with real images. There have also been altered photographs used for commercial or political purposes in ways that have been controversial.The methods by which artists have performed photo manipulation have changed quite a bit over the lifetime of photographs as a medium. Sometimes they will you clay models to manipulate the way the image looks by the scenery or even the style of the image. Technical retouching, manipulation for photo restoration or enhancement (adjusting colors / contrast / white balance (i.e. gradational retouching), sharpness, removing elements or visible flaws on skin or materials, ...). you can also have Creative retouching which is used as an art form or for commercial use to create interesting creative images for advertisements. Creative retouching could be manipulation for fashion, beauty or advertising photography such as pack-shots. Model agencies are big time photo manipulators ! No one looks like that not even the models. The model agencies want the average person to think that how they look and people should look the same. They make them look flawless, but in reality they are just like everyone else in the world. they have blemishes and flaws theres nothing wrong with it.
Self esteem is being pushed to an all time low, by making people think that they are not as good as models they see in ads . Glamour magazine