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Manipulation of Religion for the Betterment of oneself

Essay by   •  June 7, 2012  •  Essay  •  1,021 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,768 Views

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Marisa Phillips

World Lit Paper


Throughout the novel, Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Gabriel García Márquez argues to the idea that in society individuals manipulate religion in order to fit their personal needs. Catholic based societies during this time were focused upon their family's honor and religious commitment to God. Religion creates a desperation in its followers that dictates their actions because in order to fulfill their duty to God and in the end reach Heaven, they are will do anything. While religious followers may impose upon the idea that they follow the word of God, the majority of apostles take advantage of this in order to improve their lives. Within Chronicle of a Death Foretold, the Vicario brothers manipulate Catholicism in order to preserve their masculinity.

Throughout this novel Marquez utilizes color and juxtapositions to connote his meaning to his audience. The color red is largely understood to encompass the meaning of immorality, danger and passion throughout the literature. Marquez utilizes this specific color in much of the novel to give deeper meaning to his reader. As Santiago Nasar approaches his house before being killed by the Vicario brothers he is described by Divina Flor as "wearing a white suit and carrying something that I couldn't make out well in his hand, but it looked like a bouquet of roses" (Marquez 116). The roses that Santiago Nasar carries can be inferred as being red. Marquez connotes that he is in danger. The way in which Marquez juxtaposes the next scene in which Santiago is "holding his intestines in his hands" (Marquez 119) to "a bouquet of roses" shows the different meanings of the color red. The meaning of the color red changes from passion to danger and blood. The way in which Marquez manipulates the color red shows the juxtaposition of the significance of crime in the catholic faith. The color red, as Santiago Nasar holds his intestine in his hands, symbolizes the cleansing justification of Santiago's sin (Isaiah 1:18, Hebrew 9:14). The way in which Marquez utilizes the color red explains the significance of the Vicario brothers committed this crime of murder in order to restore honor among their family. The Vicario brothers utilized their religion to mitigate their actions. Religion created this sense of desperation within the Vicario brothers. Because they were desperate to restore honor throughout their family they were willing to break one of the 10 Commandments stating, "You shall not steal". They're willingness to pursue the murder of Santiago Nasar really shows how religion creates such desperation in peoples' lives.

Throughout the society in which this novel takes place in, honor is a large component of their everyday lives. Honor is what largely drives the actions of the Vicario brothers to kill Santiago Nasar. It forced them to abandon their morals, which made regaining their sister's dignity as well as their families honor a large obligation. Throughout the novel, the brothers vainly hoped someone would call their bluff and prevent them from committing the murder. Without their



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