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Persuasive Essay Against Abortion

Essay by   •  October 29, 2013  •  Essay  •  710 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,810 Views

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Andre Robinson



John Steele

Persuasive Essay

Abortion should be illegal it is complete cruelty and an abomination. Individuals choose abortion for many reasons such as irresponsibility, bad timing, rape, or lack of resources. Although people have different reason, having their baby aborted is not the answer; it is just the easiest way to deal with what they perceive as a problem. Abortion should never be an acceptable alternative to life it goes against human values, religious morals and has a lasting effect on the consciousness of all involved.

The first reason why individuals should not choose abortion is individuals should value a life. People need to think about the lives they are deciding to end, innocent victims of circumstance. The unborn babies did not ask to be here and should have an opportunity at life. If people would look at their situations differently they would see that abortion is never the right answer when there are better alternatives that do not include taking a life like adoption. However, people believe it is their individual choice. People feel they should be able to decide whether or not they want the fetus. When did these individuals lose sight of the value of human life? The unborn child should be allowed to grow and experience life. Once an individual is pregnant, life exists. At the average time when a woman is aware that she is pregnant (the fifth to sixth week after conception), the preborn human being living inside her is metabolizing nutrition, excreting waste, moving, sucking his or her thumb, growing, and doing many other things that non-living things just do not do. As early as 21 days after conception, the baby's heart starts to beat his or her own unique blood-type is running through the body, often different than the mother's (Moore & Persaud, The Developing Human, P.30). With all of these things happening how could people say that abortion is not murder?

The second reason individuals should not choose abortion has to do with religious values. In almost all religions, abortion is looked down upon. The Bible does not take a clear stand on abortion however; it does address the fact that children are a blessing. Behold, children are heritages from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward (Psalm 127:3-5 ESV). This verse is a clear indicator of Gods view on the blessing of children and child birth. When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish ( John 16:21 ESV). In this verse the bible addresses the fear individuals experience when it comes to child birth, the fear that has caused many individuals to choose abortion. If only



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