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Multiple Myeloma

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Multiple Myeloma

Multiple Myeloma is a cancer of the white blood cells which are present in the bone marrow. The plasma cells, white blood cell usually make protein named antibodies which fight infections. With multiple myeloma, plasma cells increase in number making protein levels higher than normal. Some health problems that are caused multiple myeloma are brittle bones, compromised immune system, kidney and red blood cell count.

The history of multiple myeloma has been around since the mid-19th century in London. A Russian doctor, Von Rustizky, first used the term multiple myeloma to describe the disease in 1873, describing eight bone marrow tumors he found during an autopsy.

Multiple myeloma signs and symptoms are different from person to person. Early detection is usually not discovered, however as the disease advances some of the following may start to appear:

* Bone pain

* Presence of abnormal proteins

* High levels of calcium - with these levels you may experience such symptoms as:

o Excessive thirst

o Excessive urination

o Constipation

o Nausea

o Loss of appetite

o Mental confusion

Also, other sign of multiple myeloma include anemia (related fatigue), unexplained fractures, weight loss problems, weakness in legs, numbness in legs, and recurring infections.

When looking for a cause for this disease, Multiple Myeloma, there is no exact cause. Simply, the disease begins with an abnormal plasma cell in the bone marrow. As it starts to multiple, these abnormal cells start to accumulate and eventually overpower the healthy cells. Multiple myeloma is not contagious.

The risk factors consist of:

* Age - people who develop this cancer are 50 years and older and usually diagnosed in their mid-60's.

* Sex - Men seem to be more likely to contract the disease then women.

* Race - African Americans are two times more likely developing multiple myeloma than whites.

* Obesity - there is an increase risk factor if you are overweight or obese.

* Exposure to radiation and working in petroleum - related fields.

The complication that goes along with multiple myeloma can be quite severe.

* Impaired immunity - the myeloma cells hinder the making of antibodies needed for normal immunity. This will increase the likelihood of infections.

* Bone problems - deterioration and weakening of bones can cause breaks, fractures, and compression of the spine. This could lead to weakness, numbness, and paralysis to in the legs.

* Impaired kidney function is due to the high levels of calcium in the blood bones will become brittle and this gets in the way of the kidneys to filter properly and excreting the waste in the blood.

* Anemia - the cancer cells tend to swarm around the normal, healthy blood cells. This causes anemia and other blood problems to occur.

Tests and diagnosis for multiple myeloma can be as normal as a blood and urine test during an annual physical examination. While symptoms may not be obvious your physician may want to keep testing every few months to see the advancement of the disease. This will also aid the doctor in determining when to begin treatment. Other tests that may need done are imaging/x-rays as well as bone marrow biopsy exam.

Staging and classification of multiple myeloma is performed by the physician so they will be able to classify your condition and stage it. The disease can be classified as stage 1, stage 2, or stage 3. Individual with the final stage are more likely to show more advance signs of the disease and have greater number of myeloma cells and kidney failure.

Treatment for multiple myeloma is palliative. With treatment and drug use, one hopes the disease will stabilize;



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