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Mother Vs Father

Essay by   •  November 29, 2011  •  Essay  •  610 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,151 Views

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Mother vs. Father

Every child in the world has a mother and a father. Some may not have their mother or father living with them, or they may not even be alive, but everyone has a mother and father. I have been fortunate enough to have spent most of my childhood with both my mother and father. Up until 4 years ago my parents were still married and living together. Even though they are divorced, I still manage to see both my mother and my father. Even though they are alike in many ways, they are also very different at the same time, but in my own eyes they will always be the way I see them now. First off, my mother has been the rock on which I have had to build my life, which, in my opinion, is what makes her different from my dad. For as long as I can remember my mother worked and brought home the money until she had her car wreck in December of 2004. She would work all day and come home just to go to work again as a mother. She would help me with my homework, clean the house, the finally she would make sure I was ready for bed on time, without her I would be hopeless lost. Mom also made sure I never went without anything, whether it was a want or a need. And no matter what the situation, she always seemed to have the right answers. Then there is my father. My father was a great man, as I am told, until he became strongly addicted to pain medication. He would do anything to get what he wanted, even if that

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meant sell my personal items that had value to me. Also, when my father would take too much medication, he would get angery and hit me without realizing how hard he was hitting or how much. Although my father has done all this, he still is not the worst father in the world. When my father is clean, he can tell the best stories you have ever heard. He also tells me I am his little Indian Princess who he could not live without. Yeah, he has had his down falls, but who has. In the end he would do anything for me. Although my mother and my father are more different than they are alike, they still have several things in common. For instance, they both have unconditional love for me and would do anything for me. They also have raised me in the way they saw fit to raise their daughter. Another commonality they share is both my mother and father have three beautiful children who they have raised and cared for during their thirty two years of married life. The final commonality that both my mother and father share is that neither one of them would take back anything they did during their thirty one years of marriage, except the addiction. My mother and father both have scarficed so much for me, my sister, and my brother. Sometimes I wonder where would this world be today if it was not for the mothers who unwillingly give everything they have for their children and the fathers who make mistakes but still love their children. I certainly



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