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Moderating Affect of Workplace Spirituality on the Relationship of Job Overload and Job Satisfaction

Essay by   •  February 23, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  583 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,322 Views

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A brief introduction of the article

The Article mentioned about "The affect of workplace spirituality on the relationship of job overload and job satisfaction". A main question in this article is whether the workplace spirituality helps the employees cope with the symptoms caused by work overload to gain the job satisfaction. The authors answer this question by interviewing 76 employees selected from different organizations. The authors found that work overload causes both physical and psychological damages to the employees. This results in decreasing job satisfaction. On the other hand, workplace spirituality seems to have a positive effect on the job satisfaction. "The more the spiritual work environment, the more the positive working conditions and positive satisfaction" (Altaf & Awan, 2011, p94).

Statement of Research Problem

The researchers describe clearly their statement of the problem. "Workplace spirituality may or may not have a moderating affect on work overload and job satisfaction relationship" (Altaf & Awan, 2011, p95). Besides, Altaf & Awan (2011) also show a literature review on the previous researches of this topic and point out the theoretical frame work and hypothesis of this relationship. The authors emphasized the difference of this study is that the other factors of work overload are focused, not only the stress.

A description of procedures

The researchers use the collecting data method by group interview with the structured questionnaire. The questions' form, values and scale are chosen from variety of previous studies, revised to consist with the new study and based on three parts. After conducting the pilot testing, the questionnaire is distributed among 100 employees from different organizations in Islamabad. However, only 76 questionnaire's responses were received.

Flaws in the procedural design

After the hypothesis is tested, the result shows that the relationships between job overload and job satisfaction are not found. The reason may be considered by any other factor not under study. Besides, this study includes a rather small sampling size - only 76 samples from different organizations - which basically eliminates any opportunity for external validity. The sample cannot possibly be representative enough. Finally, the research used to determine the moderating effect of workplace spirituality is conducted since 1986. It may not consist with the current study, in the year of 2011.

Analysis of the data

The variables are tested using correlation and regression and again checked using reliability analysis. After the hypothesis is tested with the result of the data analysis, the workplace spirituality is found to moderates the affects of work overload on job satisfaction



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