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Manual Critique

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Manual Critique

Brandy Kimmel


October 20, 2014

Janet Chappell

Manual Critique

The purpose of a user manual is to inform and instruct the reader how to use a certain product. This critique will be analyzing a Samsung® user manual for a Windows® 8 laptop. I will analyze the organization, use of visuals, written instructions, and overall appearance of the Samsung manual. The manual can be accessed from:

Document Organization

Samsung® has done a good job of organizing the Windows® 8 manual. According to Dobrin, Keller, & Weisser (2010) “titles should be clear and concise, showing audiences the overall goal, purpose, or product being addressed” (p. 569). The Samsung® manual does not provide a proper title on the cover showing the audience what the manual is about. Also, the manual does not provide a description of what Windows® is until page 22. Another fault in the organization of the manual, the warnings and calibration for the touch screen do not appear until after discussing a few of the gestures to work the touch screen.

Use of Visuals

The use of visuals was very effective. The manual makes good use of screenshots and icons to inform the reader how to use Windows® 8. In addition to screenshots and icons, the manual also uses numbered pictures with corresponding charts. The manual only uses visual aids where they benefit the reader the most. For example, the use of icons instead of a huge screen shot to show how to access the start button. “Visual aids work best when they help to explain or clarify difficult, complex, or abstract information” (Dobrin, Keller, Weisser 2010, p. 710). There are several areas throughout the manual that have great written instruction, but may also benefit from a linked video or screenshots. For example, page 59 of the manual discusses how to set a boot password. A visual aid here could benefit the reader.

Written Instruction

The written instruction in this manual provides clear communication to help the reader understand Windows® 8. Most sections offer short but clear written instructions and clear definitions. However, on page 25 of the manual the table outlining information found by right-clicking the start button does not define why you would need to access this particular information. This information could be beneficial to a high-tech audience, but a lay audience has no idea why they would need to be able to access



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