Management of Tourism
Essay by Greek • January 11, 2012 • Research Paper • 3,983 Words (16 Pages) • 2,155 Views
A tourism destination is classified as the whole of interests, activities, facilities, infrastructure and attractions. However, a destination can be a city, town, or a different area which is dependent to a considerable point on the incomes ensuring from tourism (Youell 1998). Usually, tourist destinations may be contained one or more visitor attractions and perhaps some "tourist traps". Given the increasing application of the idea of destination reliability in tourism marketing, it is more important to consider the travel expenditures of loyal customers, non- or less loyal customers (Robertico et al. 2010).
Furthermore, due to globalization, there are many countries which are progressively starting to grow a service market which is tourism. Nowadays, population in different countries has begun to discover tourism destinations in their own countries. The reason for that, development of tourism destinations not only brings benefits to countries' economical structure, but also illustrates other dimensions, such as, social-cultural behaviors or natural beauties in global, work from (Wall 1998). However, people would prefer to search what tourism destinations are able to encourage. In terms of tourism destinations, a significant number of areas are observed for their unique landscapes, and also tourism provides a forward motion and an economic reason for maintaining valued characteristics (Boorstin 1961). According to Ritchie and Crouch (2005), there are some complicated places of destinations in which the follow of sustainability is critically influenced by essentials, such as, scale, cultural landscapes, and other locations. The reason for that, all part of the places is located, contained and affected by a nested in order of others destinations.
Nevertheless, the author would like to introduce the tourism destination, which is called China and one of the most popular an attraction of tourist destination in the worldwide. China has become the most important tourist destination, especially since when the development of tourism started and attracted huge tourist population from either international or domestic in the late 1970s (John 2010).
Therefore, the aim of this assignment is to recognise development of tourism by observing the competitiveness position in China and in diverse socio-cultural, environmental and economical contexts, and historical conditions of mainland China.
The essay is divided into three sections. Firstly, it will describe definition of tourism development and illustrate examples of tourism in China. Secondly, it will identify definition of sustainability and strategic analyses. And finally, it will describe three critical dimensions of sustainable tourism, such as environmental, socio-cultural and economical impacts how have been affected on China's development of tourism.
Definition of Tourism Development and Tourism in China
By understanding the meaning of "tourism" is necessary if people tend to plan the use of natural resources and control impacts related to its growth. In the opinion of Holden (2000 p.3), as a result of decision-making about suitable definition of tourism difficultly is the one proposed by the World Tourism Organisation (1991), and then two years later was authorized by the UN Statistical Commission in 1993:
Tourism comprises the activities of persons travelling to and
staying in places outside their usual environment for not more
than one consecutive year for leisure, business or other purposes.
To maintain the existing tourism growth, a number of developing countries attempted to consider an international tourism as a source of economic growth. We could say that, tourism has become one of the world's largest economic activities. Furthermore, three tools of investigation which they are able to inform changes or growths of tourism by supervisors and schemers in global. Such as (1) Tourism and Travel Competitiveness Index, (2) Tourism Satellite Accounts, and (3) Computable General Equilibrium forms. Those of tools preserve different types of job which they together play significant role in competitive strengths and weakness of a destination, the economic involvement of tourism to the economy and considerable changes which impact on tourism demand (Dwyer et al. 2009). However, the future of tourism is inescapability linked to wider economical, social, and environmental issues toward effectiveness of tourism growth.
Nevertheless, if we look at the China's constant economic developments have considerably changed its economic strategy and gave way to growth of service segment, including the tourist production since 1978 (Wen 2001). There are plenty of reasons for understanding of significant development of tourism in China. Such as important aspects for general global improvement of tourism are high capacity of transport infrastructure, variety of flights from China to rest of the world and hotels, accommodations and tourist attractions and so on (Wen 2001). China accounts to the leading tourism destinations among developing countries. Despite its historical culture and the different kinds of traditional activities such as cooking, dancing, and others China offers a wide range of culture and history to visitors (Research and Market 2004).
Moreover, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), total incomes from the tourism sector were calculated by the government four billion dollars annually every year in China since 2001. Besides, as can be seen from the figure above, China was maintained as the third largest destination of international tourists in the global in 2009 (Hong Kong Tourism Report 2010). The huge growth of investment scale in tourism-related industries has directly prompted fast growth of tourism investment in China. However, government of the China has motivating plans in order to maximize the development of tourism market for following years. Such as, along with the plan by China National Tourism Administration, international and domestic tourism are targeted to have annual growth by 4% or 8% correspondently, in five or ten subsequent years. This is also forecasted by the WTO that increasing of tourism industry in China will cover over 8.6% of world market share to become as the most popular tourist destination on top of the hierarchy of world's tourism industry by 2020 (Research and Market 2004).
Moreover, there has been a significant cultural change in China from "ancient monuments" approach into "manufactured"