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Legalization of Marijuana

Essay by   •  December 10, 2012  •  Essay  •  550 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,792 Views

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The legalization of marijuana has been a hot topic in the United States for over the last two decades. Americans have a mixed reaction on if the marijuana should be legalized. During the past election, two states (Colorado and Washington), voted to legalize recreational marijuana use. With this historic vote to legalize marijuana in these states, this has brought new light onto this ongoing debate. This is a very controversial topic because many Americans think with the legalization of this drug; it will create more revenue for the states. While it may help the economy, others think it will bring in "drug tourism", which would bring in unwanted guests to the state.

Legalizing marijuana would boost the economy for those states that choose to make it legal. If marijuana is legalized in all states, the state government could put a tax on the drug similar to the type of tax that is on alcohol and tobacco. Therefore, with a tax of marijuana, the state of California, could gain as much as $1.4 billion in revenue, if it was taxed $50 per ounce, depending on the demand curve. Furthermore, with this kind of revenue others states that legalize marijuana, can use this money to help get out of a recession. This would give states new jobs in agriculture, marketing and advertising.

The United States is the most "criminal" country in the world, with 5% of the world's population and 25% of its prisoners. In America, we spend over $150 billion on courts and 47.5% of all drug arrests are marijuana-related. With the money that would be saved from the legalization of marijuana, the U.S. could spend the money on the education system. With the legalization of marijuana, the courts could spend more time and effort pursuing more serious and violent criminals.

With the legalization of only a few states and not America as whole those states will see an influx of "drug tourism". Residents from states that choose not to legalize cannabis could travel to a state that does legalize the drug; bring people to spend money on not just marijuana, but hotels, fuel, and food. For example, the "drug tourism" is very popular in Amsterdam, but if certain states in the U.S. have marijuana legal, then instead of flying to Europe, they could travel inside the United States, keeping the money in America.

In conclusion, the legalization of marijuana could help states economically, from being able to tax the drug, to cutting prison cost to house those who were convicted of marijuana related crimes. With the money that could be generated from this drug, it's beneficial to the United States to legalize marijuana. With two states already voting to legalize this drug, if successful in bring money to these states, many other states may follow suit. This is a topic that really divides Americans, either they want the drug legalized or not, there is no middle in this subject.



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